>>> 10th Mar 06, FridayMissed Acc Tut and IT Sem, as i had to go for OBS.
By the time we get to OBS was about 2pm. We were split into 2 admin grp, "Kim San" and "Sheares". I was in "Kim San" or more well know as the orange grp. the other grp call themselves triump.
It was quite fun, there were some ice-breaking games. Our instructors were Weeling, Louise and "Mr. Bean", hahaha!!!
After having lunch, we started packing things for our expedition to the sea. There were so many things to pack! the food, ponchos, mess tins, jack knifes.... Everyone was so bz, coz we need to pack our personal stuff too!

we started rowing out into the big big sea... My boat was away from the other 3 boats. Not bcoz we too kan chiong, juz tt we have a thingy attached to our boat, so we cannot be too near the coast.
It started drizzling den pouring. Here's my boat with the other boat infront of us in the pic.
We had to turn to the coast nearby and wait for the rain to stop...

This is Fav Pic!!! Rainbow only appears after the storm ;p Absolutely Beautiful...
After a while, dunno why, it became a dragon boating "race", haha!!! My boat was the slowest and i wondered why...

until another boat, the kind ppl, who offer to take over the thingy with 2 guys on it, then i realised the thingy was pulling us back! After tt, the kind ppl boat became the last boat. But we will stop and wait for them every now and then coz we felt bad tt they are working so much harder coz they wanna help us.
When we finally get onto the small little island, we started looking for twigs and stones so as to set up fire to cook our dinner. The dinner was great! very nice food, and i love digestive biscuits ;p
We changed clothes on the beach, hiding ourselves amg the rocks. Privacy is one of the major concern, kinda insecure changing in the public in the open space... hahaha. But another scary thing was the rats!!! They might run pass u when u are changing and u can't run!
After dinner, everybody juz slack ard and chit chat or take a nap. Realising the tides are rising and it's "devouring" our island, we were all prepared to go anytime, with our food bins all loaded back onto the boat and had packed all our personal belongings.
>>> 11th Mar 06, Saturday@ about 2am, we started to row away from this island and went to OBS Camp 2. We played some games again. All the games were "commercialized". Like we gotta do it as if we were competing for business deals.
We were then asked to build a raft that can accomodate all your grp members by using Pipes, ropes and Barrels. We have to decide the quantity of the things tt we need, based on our raft design. It was a big decision. If u asked for more and didn't use it, you still have to carry it back to OBS Camp 1. If u nv asked for enuff tools, then your raft is incomplete.
We decided on 4 barrels, 8 pipes and 20 ropes. And we were given time limit to build the raft. We were late, but our raft was workable. Actually, there were penalties for being late. Which is so scary!!! they are gonna take away parts of our raft! Huh???? Den we will surely sink with the raft... hahaha... thk god, they decided not to do tt to us...
We were satisfied with our raft and all the 19 of us squeezed onto the raft and paddle back to OBS Camp 1. It was such a long and slow journey back... although it's about 1km away.... every 10 paddles we made, our raft inched slightly forward... you'll feel like giving up. But we muz not!
So we used all our strength, physically and mentally, and finally, after struggling for about 3hrs, we reached our destination!!! yeah!!!
Pic: Members of Orange Team
And we waited for the other team to reached so tt we can cheer them on.
When everyone was there, we sang bday song for our bday girl, Sisi.
We were given some time to bath and take a quick nap before we start some games again. Today was more relaxed... coz they want us to rest well and prepare for the next day... Each team presented a skit tt night. Both were rather funny.
>>> 12th Mar 06, SundayToday is the last day of the camp. And we were gg to do the "Inverted Tower" stn, which include the sky ladder, which looks really frightening. I was assigned the Treasurer Manager with Sophia for this game, so i didn't have time to try out the obstacle, wat a waste! But i won't go for the sky ladder lah, the sight of it freak me out. the distance between the 2 logs were higher than my height! Although it's possible, it's very tough. But i would like to try the internal obstacle, which is challenging yet more achievable for me. Liu Tong and Sophia didn't get to try the obstacles too...
We sum up wat we learned for the 3 days, and ended the camp with the cutting of bday cake and filling up of OBS feedback form, keke...
Also, we took some grp pix b4 we left Pulau Ubin.... My 1st trip to OBS... hope tt it's not my last.... thou most prob it will.
Back to Punggol Ferry Pt, stepping back onto the accessable land again, but i had no hp with me. I was uncontactable for the past 2days. I took bus 82 to Hougang to change a bus back to Ubi. I borrow an uncle's hp to call kevin to ask him meet me for dinner, but kev din pick up the call... seeing that the bus was here, i got up the bus, so does the uncle and his son.
When i juz got seated, the uncle walked to me and passed me his phone, telling me tt it's my friend on the line. I was so paiseh, i quickly take over the phone and make my conversation short and sweet. The uncle was so kind, luckily we took the same bus, if not i will nv get tt call, haha!!!
Getting back to Ubi, to a familiar place was such a relief... I tried to find a public phone to call kev. Here are some difficulties i had met and i decided to always bring my hp with me from now onwards....
1. Many public phones which used to be there are gone!
2. Public phones nowadays use phonecard with the chip which i dun have... my phone card is still the one with the amount at the back of the card whereby the phone need to punch a dent on it to deduct money from the card... hahaha!!!
3. The phone that use the old phone cards is not working, the person on the other line can't hear me.
Haiz... i took quite sometime b4 i found a suitable phone to call. A coin-public-phone @ the coffeeshop... so user friendly... hahaha!!!
Anyway, we juz have a dinner tgt... thks for the note ;p