>>>21st Feb 2006, TuesdayToday is the 1st day of my chalet. Actually i checked in yest, bring some of the things to the chalet and finding out some small details, like the renting of mahjong table.
Today, lora, chris and nic, huixian, yixian and julia came only. Huimin was too bz with sch so she couldn't turn out... lei and geline decided to come tml.
Was glad tt most of my classmates turned out. Out of the 19 ppl that i invited, 13 turned out! hahaha... really thkful man, they make my chalet look more happening, haha... There's Kev, meifeng, hanwen, simei, wanyu, amin, paul, irene, lili, yitian, spencer, rongshan and gary.
And of course i am very very happy tt my buddies had tried their best and squeezed some time out their precious time and came to my bday!
Some of my relatives came too, and one of my mum's friend came.
My parents and my sis were there too!
Was a poor host, i admit. Thks to my family and kev who helped me really alot.
Sorry to Amin, who didn't get to eat the BBQ food...
In the chalet, there's BBQing, mahjonging, singing karaoke, playing poker cards and chit chatting. I forgot what i was doing.. haha!!
There were alot of ants and i was getting rid of them until i was so pek chek.
Here's some pix... the rest i'll invite u all to my album after examz ok???

NTU Classmates!!!

Here are my Buddies and our bfs ;p
>>>22nd Feb 2006, WednesdayLess ppl came today, but i cut cake today, hahaha!!!
My poly friends came!!! so long nv see them...
There's Meili, Caihong, Qinghao, Meihui, Huifang, Pin Pin, Sunny, Fairuza & bf, Janet and Christina. Such a pity that some of them can't make it, coz i long time nv see them liao... My relatives came too, keke... thou i inform them quite last min.
Geline and Lei came today instead, i think they should feel a bit bored coz not many ppl they know besides kev. My brother and her gf, Jane, came too!
They played the fireworks which stink like hell!!! haha but it was me asking them to play one, coz no one open those fireworks tt i had bought :(
It had been a long time since i cut a bday cake. Not bad lah... center of attraction, but a bit paiseh, keke....
Another bz, yet happy day. I love seeing my friends getting tgt... i may not have time to be with them, but it's like a gathering for them ;p
@ night after all my friends left, my parents and my relatives started to play mahjong. haiz... my relatives are the 老千, hahaha j/k lah, they are experienced gambler, keke... so my parents lost lah.
After everyone went off, kev gave me a surprise! hmm... i didn't know he prepared presents for me... thk you very very much... i have never been pampered like this b4.

The craZy ones...
Taking pix with Bday cake, keke...
>>>23rd Feb 2006, ThursdayToday is my bday!!! but also the day to check out the chalet.
My brother told me the check out time is 12pm, but the chalet admin ppl came to tell us that check out time is 10am!!! diaoz... we were supposed to wait for my dad to come and fetch us so tt we can load the things onto my brother's car... now we are chased out!
luckily the ppl there were nice, they allow us to stay there till my parents and my sis came. and it was raining heavily all of a sudden.
After we had left the chalet, i realised tt my ear rings were left in the chalet toilet! So we u-turned back to get them, luckily they were still there ;p
So sianz... it's my bday, yet i have to give tuition today *hrmp*
Here are my presents... not completed one... will change to completed one once ready