Nothing much interesting is happening to my life. But wanyu's ABC story is rather interesting. Get to know s bit more gossip here and there tt's happening in NTU. I do not live in hall, so i dunno much gossips lah...
Din noe Paul drives to sch, haha... the only person in my class who had driven car to school.
Sold Vday roses for Freshman Orientation Camp Canvassing. Was quite surprise many guys wanted to order! I received 10 orders, but sorry tt i have to reject one and tt's Mansell... If he had sms me like one day earlier, den i might be able to get a bouquet for him. Anyway, those roses better dun buy for yixin lah, coz everyone in NTU carry same roses sia...
I sell to those whose gfs are not in NTU one... oh... except for gilbert! i 4got his gf in NTU!!! haha... hope the science facaulty very diff from NBS (",)
Anyway, my ex-employer, Mr. David is the most st fwd now. When i sms the guys, he's the 1st to reply. "i want one bouquet, blue". Indeed a Businessman, no wishy-washy... hmm i dun mean other guys wishy washy lah... but he makes his decision real fast. Thks to those who bought it bcoz i am ur friend ;p
Lei had not been coming for lectures this week, so i didn't get to see her... It's quite happening at NBS from monday to friday coz it's NBS week.
Free goodies everyday, even free lunch! Min was so bz on tt few days i can see inside her flaring, thou she didn't.
I didn't queue up for those goodies until the last day, Wednesday.
My friends wanted to queue for Zinger burger, so i queue with them. But juz about 5,6 persons more b4 it's our turn, the burger went out of stock :( so unlucky...
But nvm, our main motive is to buy the movie @ $4 each. Promise Jan to help him get the tix, so die die muz get for him.
We stood somewhere near the stage tt day, about 2m away. Looking at my watch and knowing the time for queueing for moive tix was coming, i went to ask my senior, Chao Chia, where will the queue be. Coincidentally, she'll be there to sell the tix!! I was so excited, i asked my friends to stand near the table, which is rite in front of the stage, pretending to listen to the singing compeition (actually we were really listening b4 tt but we didn't wanted to stand rite infront of the stage to listen).
And yes, we were the 1st to buy the tix! So glad that we can get the tix and we did wat we agreed to help Jan to do ;p Anyway, Jan got the tix for his family... he said he didn't go for movie coz it's inconvenient to do so. I have nv tot of gg for a movie can be inconvenient until Jan said so. Then I realised movie threatre is not a friendly place for physically disabled ppl. Nvm lah, he enjoyed his *hrmp* CDs @ home too, rite? ;p

"Gene r us" is interesting. but for the lec4, the lecturer used some many bio terms tt i coudn't understand, i dun understand the whole topic of cell division... For those A level Bio students and those Majoring in Bio Science, this wouldn't be a problem thou'. I wonder why Bio Science student can take Bio Science subjects as their PE but we couldn't take subjects from our own arena as PE. Kinda unfair huh.
My bday is coming liao... thou one month later..
Sorry xian, for not celebrating with u this year. But we will celebrate tgt all the other yrs, ok? Pls keep urself free on 21st feb, tues evening. Coz i am celebrating my bday! haha!!! lei, i noe u only can make it after 10pm!!! haiz... why ur friend like tt... keke... juz kidding lah. Take care wor and HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!