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Thursday, October 13, 2005

OB case study presentation is over!!!! All Grps got As!!! heard that other class oso the same, wahaha. The most impt would be the report baa i guess.
Here are some pix of my Presentation Grp, ACE:

This is my grp, 7 of us.
Karthik, Gary and Hanwen
Me, Summer, Yanzi and Venus.

Here are the 5 speakers ;p
Summer, Karthik, Hanwen, Me and Yanzi

And this are the role play ppl, hanwee did both part, keke...

here's a close up of Venus, Hanwen and Gary

Lunch @ JP Pizza Hut after the presentation.
Here's Venus and I :p

Kevin's grp joined us too!
Here are the girls from kevin's grp: Wanyu and Lili

10/13/2005 08:00:00 pm
Monday, October 10, 2005

here's hanwen, one of my OB case study project mates. They were doing project in my house. They say he looked like he was in Bird Park, wahaha!!!

Saw lei at far east tt day. I was shopping with lee peng, looking for formal wear.
it was so idiotic tt stats juz throw out a new assignment @ us when the sem is juz ending in 3 weeks' time. RUBBISH!!!! hate the way NTU organise themselves, so messy... so inexperience, althou they are supposed to be very experienced.

Even for my communication tutor, he was supposed to return us our 1st cover letter. tt cover letter was actually to let ur tutor correct ur mistakes so tt we can do well for the next cover letter, which will be assessed on, to gain marks. We had reminded him to return us, but in the end he couldn't finish marking and couldn't make it in time to return us. We are handing in our new cover letter today! I dunno wat i have written the 1st cover letter for, felt so dumb and cheated. Only noe how to waste my time and effort.

Luckily i have some nice classmates ;p this is meifeng, she's 2 years my senior. We had been in the same schools ever since we started studying, except for sec sch. But we only got to noe each other when we entered NTU, wahaha!

Here's a pic of dunno where, haha... it was around 1am while we are on our way home. Tt day after shopping at far east, me and gary go down to bedok 85 to have supper with meifeng and kevin. Gary lives at 96, so he can juz walked home from 85. But Kevin lives in kembangan, meifeng and I live in Ubi. So the 3 of us walked home!!! wahaha, think we were crazy??? kind of baa... but it had been a long time since i had been out till so late. Kevin walked the 2 of us home. By the time we reached Ubi, it was 2plus am. Think he muz have gotten home at around 4am baa...

Girls... if u all are reading this, pls let me noe if anyone sharing HX's present with me??? coz i am buying today, wahaha!!!

10/10/2005 08:36:00 am

Here is my tutee and his younger brother. Very fat hor? wahaha!!!

here's my tutee, primary 2 philippino. he's lazy... but fun to be with actually, keke...

his younger brother. This pic looks like make over right? haha... He's very cute, but very naughty oso. He loves to say bye bye to me, probably tt's the only english word he has learnt so far. he's about 2 years old only maa... he speaks philippino lang.

10/10/2005 08:21:00 am
Thursday, October 06, 2005

I think my monday presentation was a big flop!!! wahaha, i accidentally dropped the remote control of the laptop,keke... The tutor was a bit naggy, or maybe he juz comment too much on small details baa.

Projects and projects... when are they gg to end???
but i am really glad to have such fun classmates around if not life in NTU would really sux to the core.

My class dominate all modules since our class consist of about 15 ppl, so we are like a big grp. Then making fun of Hanwen is one of fave thing to do. Who ask him to be so MCP, gotta make him paiseh, keke... i am really a bad girl i noe, wahaha!!! juz trying to make uni life more lively for me... but i think i had did it at the expense of other ppl. haha!!!

Jan joined our class for stats tut. i really respect his family. his parents come everyday to accompany him throughout the day, giving him all the help that he needs. He is also a remarkable person wor. Even though he is disabled, he went thru' ITE. Poly then come to ntu! wat a long way, i'd given up sia... Looking at his determination, perhaps i should be more positive about being in NTU accountancy now.

Finally got the pix from meili juz now, the file was so big and msn failed to receive them for a few times!!! i took about 3 hours before i can successfully get all the pix from meili :x
Anywae, here's a pix we took @ SK bday celebration ;p

10/06/2005 10:31:00 pm
Sunday, October 02, 2005

Went for badminton with hanwen, gary, sze bee and irene on fri. It was a 4-hr session!!! having not exercise for so long... my whole body ached like hell the next day...
Han wen is good in badminton sia... tot he only gd on vball... Irene was not bad too, she is a netballer oso, wahaha... but ended up we were all playing badminton.
Had dinner together b4 we went home. it was so good that Irene and Hanwen came down to east side and play badminton since both of them leaves in the north.

It was SK's 21th bday celebration yesterday. Lewis, Rachael, Pin Pin, Janet, Caihong, Sunny and Meili were there too!! it was like TB026 gathering. Lewis and wife, Rachael, can really eat alot... Rachael had been trained for 10years liao... to eat alot and to be thick skin, wahaha... to be with lewis, these muz be the top 2 criterion man,wahaha!
Heard tt meihui gg in to Smalley and work oso. Haha like a TB026 small gathering, 4 of my classmates are working there, even thou the pay is really low... but not too stressful at least.
We took a lot of pix... gotta ask meili to upload quickly, keke... Pin pin ran off b4 i can take a pic with her *Hrmp*

After the buffet, i went home without joining them for the nite outing coz my whole body is still aching. i have problem trying to sit down lor... sianz... monday have presentation somemore, i can't even walk properly now!!

Saw Zi Wei today. He was patroling with his other police friends @ Eunos MRT. When he walked to me, i tot wat's wrong with sitting near the ctrl stn. It took me a few sec to raise my head up to the angle tt i can see his face. He's so tall...

10/02/2005 07:03:00 pm

This was what i saw on tt day after giving tuition. @ 1st i tot it was quite cute. But thinking if it was still 7th month then, i will be darn scared... it looked quite eerie and it was about 9pm liao...

On the train to Bedok, kevin and i saw these 2 really tall guys walking into the cabin... only to realise it was Marcus from IG. wahaha... of course he looks tall lah, he's 1.89m!! but surprisingly he can find someone as tall! keke... his friend looks taller than him but he is actually 1.88m only. Think marcus too skinny liao and got a bit hunch back, tt's why he looks a bit shorter.
Didn't get to see him when he was studying in TP. But i saw him twice ever since i am in NTU! haha... so weird one.

@ Bedok Central Hawker, met a weird auntie... she looks a bit like the "witch" who we always see ard bedok area when we were in sec sch.
She came and shared table with us and later kept talking to me... kevin only noe how to sit beside me and laugh *bleah* i tried to speed up and finish the bowl of peanuts soup and get away. Haiz... wat a day.

10/02/2005 06:25:00 pm