Finally met u girls on saturday :p
This time, everyone was quite on time *applause*
Maybe it's becoz some of us met up 1st? wahaha!!! That lora say wanna come, in the end oso dunno where she went to :( then huixian sick, din come oso...
It's my first time to country manna, the food was not bad actually, tot it was a "spicy" restaurant, wahaha!!!
Every dinner, we would end up playing "zhong1 ji2 mi4 ma3" to finish the food, keke...
Yong Hao and Edmund met us up after the dinner and we went clubbing together. Did we really club??? i guess we didn't...
Tried a new club, Queenz (formerly Hendrick's bar)... Guess it was rather terrible...
Almost all malays, except us and one more chinese guy...
No one was dancing, so we juz drink since it was free flow, wahaha!!! Yong Hao is very cunning, luckily i wasn't sitting beside him. Otherwise i will surely get lotsa forfeit...
Geline went off early, and yeah... geline u didn't take the photoframe from me again!!! *bleah* anyway, i will cya again soon i hope :p
J come and fetch Lei, and later Lei told us cocolatte's crowd was gd... but i think most of us were broke liao and have to think of the cab fare later, so we rejected the offer... Nvm, bring me there next time, Lei. Wanna go and have a look :p
We were the only ones on the dance floor, anyway, it's juz for fun. we were juz kidding around... acting funny and crappy, wahaha... but seriously, the dance floor was really smelly... i guess it muz be the smoke... as in the "dry ice" smoke... choking and smelly... *pukes*
After we occupied the dance floor for almost an hour, the ppl in the club finally dare to get onto the dance floor. and one got onto the dance floor, suddenly all of them got onto the dance floor. Is this the muslims' spirit??? Maybe. They are always so bonded.
Before one, all of us went home, splitting into 2 cabs.
Sunday was my working day... nothing special. Juz tt it was quite bz and there were alot of Indonesians who bought from my brand, spend more than a hundred juz buying wallets and bags *wow* the money they spend, i could have bought myself my specs... really wanna change my specs soon... and hp too... think gotta wait till May wor...
Yesterday, i was bz... bz watching DVDs, wahaha!!! and packing some of my things for Thailand trip, and also trying to pack my books and notes, preparing to throw some of them after my results are out!
Gotta go prepare for my poly class outing today.
Have a nice day ;p