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Sunday, February 27, 2005

All of us were there yesterday, except Geline and Lora...
We went to Fish and Co for dinner yesterday.
*Cunning* Yixian, Chris, Yuan and Min called a seafood platter before me, Lei and HX were there... *Hrmp*
The dinner make me feel so full for the rest of the day...
but overall, the outing was pleasant. Thanks girls for the presents! I love all the things u all have given me. The perfume, the bear, the pencil case, the cards and the accessories set and even the ppr bag, wahaha!!!!!!!! Not forgeting the cake :p
Really long time nv see you all... hope tt after our exams, we can gather and have fun together! Like i said the mahjong session, and perhaps with make-up session. Since u all have bought the make-up set for Yixian, we should let her put those into good use!
Met Uren, Nicholas, Xu Huat and friends who are celebrating Uren's bday too! Thanks to them, we get to take picture together for this gathering :)
Tong da, mansell and yixin were at suntec too!
Like secondary sch gathering, wahaha!!!!
Hope to meet up with u girls soon! take care and stay prettiz!

2/27/2005 11:50:00 am

i haD haD enUff of thIs giRL. eVEr sInce thE 1sT timE i dId proJect wiTH hER, i knEW shE's someonE tO be aVoiDed for prOjectS.
But too bad, she's my friend and we are in the same class this sem, i should have been more selfish and left her on her own...
AP project was ok, coz it's juz a report. only that for the 1st meeting she din come, we did already 1/3 of the whole report. but at least after that she helped out.
For PFP project, she kept finding excuses not to come for project meeting. And ended up for the whole report, which is a really taxing and tedious report tt req lots and lots of research, there's only 2 things she had done for our group. one is the fix dep interest rate tt can be easily obtained from any banks website and the pricing of Condo which can be gathered from the net, too. I was kinda pissed off by her already.
Then come to FA project. asked her to do simple things like cal financial ratios, only the liquidity part, for 3 years, she gave me only the ratios for 1 year. What's more??? the 1 year she did was wrong, she used the company figure instead of group figure. when she did all the wrong things for me??? coz she nv come for project meetings, even if she comes, she was not paying attention. Even after asking her to go look at forum where i state all the instructions clearly in words, she also can give me rubbish.
Next day i saw her in sch, she asked me: "Phyllis, the thing i send u i think is the wrong one wor..." Fuck lah, think i believe u???? i noe u nv bother to go and make the changes when the last meeting i told everyone to do ratios for 3 years using the grp figure.
Then come to qualitative part, i asked her to do analysis on the company, commenting on the quality of their mgmt, their company strategy and directions, products and services etc...
and also the analysis of the retail industry.
All she gave me was "cut and paste" from annual report with no analysis. the only analysis is the example i had given to her, increasing advetising expense will enhance their quality of earnings. and for the industry part, she only gave me one sentence. Wat's worse??? that sentence is about furniture maker industry, which cannot be used. Even if it is what we needed, it can't be use, coz she didn't know where had she got tt ONE SENTENCE from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we had set to collate our report on thursday, and she didn't come to sch as she is on MC. she claimed that she had sent her report to my email. But when i checked all my emails, i din receive anything from her.
It only when i called her house then i found out from her mother that she had been out since early in the morning, claiming that she had gone to SCHOOL! yeah... right, AS IF! she din even come for the morning tutorial. So i guessed she muz have gone out with some guy, she had been like this since last sem and i had warned her to change her behaviour. she said she will but look at this silly thing she is doing! i am total disappointed in her and felt really disgusted by her behaviour.
So about the claim that she had sent her report to me must be a lie... how are u gg to send ur report to me when u are not at home the whole day and your report is on your computer at home???? For the friday when we are finalising our report, she said that she got fever and she's not coming. Yeah... i believe... over my dead body. On sat when we wanna print out our report and really finalise everything, she said she can't come. FINE... i gave her many chances to look better for her peer appraisal, since she dun appreciate it, why should i care??? u think she's really sick on fri? u think she really can't make it on sat??? let me tell u, from what i had seen from her behaviour for 3 years, i know what she's doing at home for the 2 days. she must be playing online guys to meet some guy, and to do her individ assignment for AP.
I gave everyone in the grp, 25/25, and as for her???? 4/25. This is the 1st time i ever make someone so low. this is the 1st time i failed someone's appraisal for 2 projects, PFP and FA.
She wanna be selfish??? Be my guest! I am not gg to help her out with the individ assignment at all, she deserved to be boycotted, by ME.
I noe i am complaining too much, but juz let me complain here, coz i am so afraid that if i kept these in my heart, i will hurl all kind of comments in front of her, in front of everyone one day.

2/27/2005 11:04:00 am
Sunday, February 20, 2005

finallY aftEr 3 hEctic dAYS, oPen houSE was ovER... whaT's inhEriTed waS the bOdy acHE, wahaha!!!
mY bodY had bEEN achinG sincE i wOke up thiS morninG...
Last nigHT's jAM and hOp was enjoyaBle, at leAST @ the bEginninG...
When i wENt theRE, theY startED the dANce by the "bikinI GAL", her boDY was... WOw...
6paCKs, ok... dun siao siao... and she's tall and slim, guys are drooling i think...
buT everyone wHo tooK a closER lOOk @ hER faCE toLd me it'S a tUrn oFF, wahaha!!!
buT LookinG up to thE staGE, i thiNk she Looks aLrite :p
dEn there's bREak daNCe which wAS REaLLY gooD too!
There's aLso banD peRFOrmance by ouR "musIc vOx", ChristinA wANg (TMS) was thE main sinGER, shE sanG "sweet chiLd of Mine" anD shE sanG reALLY weLL yest, eKA (TMS) waS the dRummER!! TMS goT loTsa taLent wOR!
Then thE pEAK of thE peRFOrmanCE is of cOurSE the "bIg(or vit, i dunno lah) box" performance by Danny from sCHool oF deSIgn. hE's reALLY daRN gOOD lor... eVeryTime perfOrm, alThou' the saME thinG, but it sTill mesmerizE everyone.. wahaha!!!
Triple Noise and Park Jelly aLso caME.
There weRE ppl sPlasHing waTEr from their water bOttLE, caRRying ppL high up anD there were even ppl throwinG bottLEs onto thE stagE!!!. Jam and hop hAD bEEN baNNed foR 2 yrS, anD from Last nighT's beHaviouR, i thiNK it's goNNa be baNNed agaiN, esp the throwing botTLEs onto thE sTage proBlEM...
I guiDEs wenT cRAzy @ the jaM and Hop and wERe reALLY enterTaininG themsELves. i din reALLY join thEM, i wAS wiTH my sENiors dancIng anD chit chAttinG.
pRoject nEEded to be handed up tml aNd ouR project haD not even finALisED!!! diE liao... tt's why wE aRE meETing up TODAy (it's a sUndaY!!!) to do thE project. haiz...

2/20/2005 11:44:00 am
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Yesterday was Valentine's Day but i was in school rushing 2 projects simultaneously from 9am to 7pm!!!
AP project needed to be handed in by 5pm yesterday and PFP project 21st feb...
Luckily, PFP project did progress somehow...
I needed to help out for the open house from Thurs to Sat and PFP project deadline is on Monday!!! I wonder if my group members noe what to do... if they messed up the theory part... i think our project will be a goner... 30% gone... sianz...
Saw a guy who dress like "qing2 shen4" yesterday, darn opiang...
White long sleeve shirt and pants, with a black sunglass, holding a big bouquet of flowers and about 10 heart-shape plastic ballons(those "party-type" balloon with cartoons on them). I wanted to laugh my head off at the 1st sight of this guy, but i controlled my laughters till he disappears within my view, wahaha!!!! I noe i was mean... but @ this century, there's still ppl who dress and behave like him, he's kinda too "outstanding", keke...
I forgot tt today is tuesday and i didn't attend my morning lecture, wahaha... think i was too tired doing project and trying to study for the test tml and thinking of my I-guides meeting this evening... my mind was pre-occupied, i can't be bother if today is monday, tuesday, wednesday, V day, CNY day... everyday is project... haiz...
7th March & 7th March... This is the 1st time i wanted my school life to end so much...
Gotta study liao... can't continue my rubbish liao...
Hope to cya girls soon and yixian... celebrate our b'days together on your birthday ok, 26feb???
it's a sat, so tt huixian can oso come, haven't seen her for a very very long time liaoz...

2/15/2005 11:01:00 am
Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Today is the 1st day of CNY... but my uncle passed away 3am this morning after admitting into the hospital...
I felt so sad for him and his whole family...
after 10 years of jail in Aussie, he came back to singapore for only 3 mths.
He wanted to do so many things with his family and so does his family wanted to do so many things with him...
he planned to sell ice-cream with his wife and he's attending a course to get the taxi license. His license to be an "ice-cream man" had juz been approved...
His daughter is going to ROM soon... he had juz tailored his suit...
All the dreams and hope were gone, with one blink... gone...

2/09/2005 01:19:00 pm
Friday, February 04, 2005

I juz got my SAT Reasoning Test results and i am elated!!!!
I tot that i would flung my verbal for SAT getting 300/800, but i passed!!!!
wahaha!!! this is the happiest thing that can ever happen to me this semester :p
I have got 730 for my Math and 530 for my Verbal!
At first i tot that i should juz leave my SAT scores out and apply Uni without it! but now, at least my scores still look presentable, keke, phew....

2/04/2005 08:47:00 pm

With lots of lots of school work to do, i felt that 24hrs a day is not sufficient for me.
I didn't have the time to blog, even at this moment now...
but i wanna vent my anger, so i came to blog...
Disgusting group mate i have is making me feel sick!!!
There is no tutorials next week, yeah!! but hey... our project is not progressing at all and the deadline is 21st Feb!!! u noe how to do the project???!!! u dun! and neither do I..
We need those time for our projects. Don't give me the face that i am taking away your free time. Oh please... it's also YOUR project!
When i asked her, don't you worry bout the project, she just give me the face, and say NO...
F*** off lah, everything leave for me to think and u juz have to do your part right? u selfish creature.
Everyday only thinking of going out with guys, why not u juz drop sch and go get married?
I am darn pissed off with this kind of ppl and i have face this kind of person everyday.
I wish this semester will end soon... Otherwise, i am the one "ending" soon...

2/04/2005 06:45:00 pm