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Friday, November 19, 2004

haven't been blogging coz my brother's computer broke down...
Thanks Lora and Sara that day for coming down to West Mall ;p i reALLY aPPreciaTe tt.
aNd thkS fOR the cHocoLate, tt's reALLY sWEET of u, Lora.
and thkS gELine for uR concERn, u eveN uSE beAu's hP to caLL me, wahaha!!!

wENt to haVE dinnER wITh Lora, Sara aND SHijiE @ kIllIneY kOpitiAM. nicE toasT! yUMMy *sLuRP*
wAS terRIfieD by ShijiE's prOblEMatiC geAR, but iT wAS aLreaDY veRy nicE of hIm to dRIve mE to the cLementi MRt stN :)

MEt dEar fOR a moVIe on weD, it wAS ouR 1/2 yr anniveRsaRY anD thE nexT daY wAS hiS birTHdaY. "pRIncESS dIarY 2" waS not baD, quiTE humorOus..

weNT to mY 4th unCLe's bIrthdaY cELebRAtioN @ bukIt gOMbaK. sAW Most of my reLatives fROm my fATHer's sIDe. saW my 2nd unCLE, he lOOks aLot like mY fathER, or rathER, mY fathER lOOks aLot liKE him, eSP whEN they sMile. aND i thiNK tt's cUTe :p keke...
thE buffeT wAS gOOd, neXT timE if i Have buffET, i'll deFinitELy orDER from Neo Garden!

haiz... aLL my dIEt plAN sPoIlt...
gUEss i wiLL reALLY baD for mY couSIn's weDDIng on thiS sundaY... sIAnz...

11/19/2004 07:38:00 pm
Monday, November 08, 2004

on tUesDAy, togetHER with nAM, we wENT to aLumnI CountrY cLUb beSide SGH to DO caSHcouNT fOR jackpOt, it wAS quitE ok loR... thE laDY thERE tot i aM caMbOdIan, wahaHa!!!
weNt to a wOrk from hOme offIce on wEdnesDAy wIth nAM to dO aUDit, audIT is quiTE eaSY to DO, foR sMAll compaNy thou...
fRidaY aFter wORk, hAD dinnEr wIth sOOk kuAN, Meili aND caIhong.
wE weNT tO sHop fROm wIsMA to OG oRChaRD pt. Sook kUAn wAS verY qUiet neaR eNd of ouR sHoppIng sEssIon, gueSS shE muST be tIRed aNd she'S the onLY one WHo nEEds to wOrk on the neXt day, a SAturdAY...
mEt up wIth juLia, Lei, loRA aND Ben fOr dinnER. tHEN we wENT to fAR eAST plaZA to sHOp.
aftERwHich, juLia and i weNT home, Lora aND bEN contInuED to go wALk waLk, aND lEI weNT to meET jERemY aND iDAh.
sUndaY wAS anothER worKing daY fOr me @ OG AlbERT... dun reALLY liKE to wOrk @ thaT outLet cOZ theY veRY compeTitIve....
aFter wORk, meT RomeO fOR dinnER, tHEn we sHoppED fOR a wHIle b4 gOing home.
saW nuR (ex-colleague from McDonaLd's), sHE is now wOrkinG @ sWENseNS :p
mY brotHER's C dRive cRasHed sinCE saTurdaY aND tt's whY i din bloG fOR so MAny daYs... cOz my bRother's comp can't wOrk = no InterNet conneCtion :(

11/08/2004 10:12:00 pm
Monday, November 01, 2004

thE adVenturOUS siDE of mE finaLLY emERgEd baCK to thE sUrFACE again...
saT niTE @ 11pM, aRmed wIth aLL necCEssaRIEs fOR nitE cYCLing, i weNT to JalaN teNAGa teMPle to MEEt up wIth PPl i had nV seEN b4...

tHE guyS weRE sLighTLY laTE, i tOt i waITed @ the wROng temPLe @ firST...
gLAd to sEE thaT they caME, i dun waNNA bE stOOD up by ppL.
Wei hAN oRganisED this outinG, caLLing aLing his bbaLL frIeNDS RomeO aND kEJIan.
@ fIrsT anothER gIRL, vIviAN wAS coming buT it wAS heR brothER's bDAY, so shE didn't comE, leAVing me to be thE onLY gIRl fOr thiS outinG.
buT who caRES, i jUz feLT liKE it anD wENT for thE niTE cycLing.

It wAS quitE aWKwaRD @ fIRst cOZ thEY aLL noE eaCH otHER. lUckiLY, thEY aRE gentLEmeN enuFF aND kEEP mE in THe middLE of thE liNE, haha!!! oR i migHT be leFT beHInd haLfwAY, wahaha!!!
iT wAS onLY wHEN we cycLed tIll TAMpIneS thEN we sTartED intrOducIng aND tALking.
ouR 1st sTOp wAS @ eLIas maLL, rOmeO aND kejiAN weNT to 7-eLEven to geT a bIG bOttLE of grEEN teA.

tHEn we contInuED our jouRNey to pASIr rIS paRK. @ fIrST we waNted to cYCle to eND of PasiR rIS paRK, buT we eNded up @ the beaCH sidE reStauRANt to haVE a drinK.
tHEy wERE aCTuaLLY verY surPrIsed thaT i tUrNed up. aCTuaLLY, i wAS too...
thEY saID thaT i wAS reALLY brAVE to comE ouT wIth 3 sTRANgers fOR nigHT cycLinG. peRHAps, i juZ wANNA EsCApaDE, awaY from mY bOring aND rOutinE liFEsTYle, juZ neEDEd someTHing to sPicE up my Life a littLE.

aFter thaT, We gOt reADY anD sET oFF fOR our jourNey baCK hOme.
fROm paSIr rIS pARk, we cYcLEd to dOWntOWn eAST aND one oF the wOrsT thiNG haPPeneD...
keJIAn's bicyCLe baCK tyRE weNT puNcTURed!!!!
so ALL of uS sTOppeD aND wE pusHED ouR bicyCLes to tHE neAResT pEtrOL sTaTion, passIng bY juLia's housE anD fAIrUza's housE. wAS thE peTROl stAtIon eSso??? i forGot.
4 perSOns pusHing the bicYcLes waLking aLong the sTREets in the middLE of thE nighT looKed reaLLY cLowny i gUEssed, wAHaha!!!
we trIED puMpinG aIR inTO thE tYRe, buT the tYRe wENT deFlaTEd wIthin a fEW seConDs agaiN. gUEss thE tYRE wAS pRIcked by somethiNG anD its innER aNd outER tYRes wERE toRN.
wANted to paRK it @ juLia's housE fOr a dAy. sO juLia, thAT eXPlained wHY u had reCeived a miss cALL from me aT tt tIme of thE daY :p
aNyway, keJian wANtED to taKE a tAXI hoMe wIth the bicycLE. a meRC tAXI uncLE agrEE to loaD thE bicycLe, howEVer thE bicYCle waS slIGhtLY too bIG to gET intO the bootH of the taXi. sO we couLD onLY tHks thE uncLE anD biD gOODbye to hiM.

evEntuaLLy, we chaIned the bicYCLE ontO a trEE @ the pETRol sTation. kEJian tOOk a cAB home aNd the 3 of uS continued our cycLing back homE.
we wENt onto thE PIE, to exPO, theN tanah meRAH, paSSing bY zEDa's housE, thEN to beDOk, paSSing bY huiXIan's hOusE. tHEN caME thiS noT vERy sTEEP but lonG sLopE, wEIhaN cycLed aLL the wAY up. i sToppED wHEn i wAS abouT 2/3 up the slOpe, anD i cAMe doWN to puSH mY bicYcLe, haha!!! rOmeO wHO wAS beHind camE dOwn and pushED his biCYcle with mE tOO, keke... he aLso no eneRgy liao... wEIhaN wAIted fOR us neAR the peAK.

thE 3 of uS pusHED our bicycLEs to thE peAK b4 wE sTartED cycLing again. cOntinuIng, wE paSSED by kEmbaNgan, EUnoS, thEN uBI, thEy sENT mE hoME fIrst b4 theY wENT baCK to jaLan tENaga. It wAS 3am pluS wHEn i reACHed hoMe, dirTY anD tIRed. aND i sTIll needed to wAKe up @ 9am plUS cOz i wAS gOing fOr wOrk. mY wHOle bodY wAS aChing, but oncE i gOT ontO my cOzy bED, i dOzed oFF... ZZzzzz

wEIhan aNd kEJian weNT to gET the bicycLE on sundaY aNd they pusHEd the bicycLE to wHIte saNDs. aFter thaT, theY wANted to taKE a buS home, but no buS wANNA tAKE thEM, wahaha!!!!!!!!!!
thEy hitcHed a lOrry aND caMe hoMe, LOLZ...
we wANTed to hiTCH a lorRY whEn we WERe @ thE peTROl sTn but no LOrry passED by, onLY the gaRdeNia trUCK wAS theRE, wahaha!!! if tHE trUck wERE emptY, gueSS aLL of uS wILL get our bicYCles up aND tOOK a fREE ridE home, keke...

11/01/2004 07:29:00 pm