aLthou' the comPany is sMAll wiTH a fEW of uS worKing, offICe poLitiCS still cOMe in...
diN wannA gEt invOlVEd but someTImes it juZ caME PouRIng ovER u...
thE 2 pOOR guYs from ACS din noE wHat they hAD bEEN doinG waS wroNG untIL thiS morninG!!!
theN mRs. LeoNG sToppED theiR doinGS aND haD qUestionED DiaNA abouT it coz Diana wAS supposED to keEP aN eye on thEM.
dIAna wAS so unhaPPY, shE sCOlded joSEPh whEN everyOne elSE haD wENT out fOR luNch exCEPt ChrisTIna anD i. thE wAY shE puT it wAS so unfAIR, shE sAID as IF thosE guyS goT her inTO hoT water, buT it's aCtuaLLY heR owN faUlt...
tHE pOOR gUY couLD onLY nod hiS heAD...
haD a tAlk wIth mRs. LeonG aftER wORk, ChrIStinA aND i tOLd her abouT hoW we feLT abouT heR scoLding aNd DiaNA... gUEss wE sHOUldn't haVE saID so opeNLy. NisiTT sHouLD haVE heaRD what wE saID aND thiNK shE'll tELL dIAna sInce theY aRE quitE cLoSe... *bleah*
wHO caRES!!! whaT's done caNNot bE undOne.
aND tt bOSS reprimaNded me on my wAY of rePLyinG letter. he saID wheN ppl asKed fOR "a" , u give "a", when ppl asked for "b", u give "b"...
tHEn aFTER saYIng a loTsa of thiNG tELLing hoW baD i haD dRAFted the rePLY, he loOked @ the lETTer caREfullY anD thouGHT abouT the wAY to rEPly...
aFTERwhiCH, hE derived tHE saME thIng aS me, he combinEd "a" and "b" togeTHER whEN aNswERing!!!!!!!!!!
whaT the hELL!!!!! sCOld me as iF u r tt gOOD. if u dUN haVE a morE brIllIaNT idEA neXT timE, plS duN bLAmE othERS fOr cominG out fOr thAT idEA *hRMp* maYbe one eXCUse fOR him, he's reALLY bz wIth maNy thiNGs, he din thiNK prOperLY and iS geTTIng fRUsTRATed so wANNA fInd someOne to veNT hiS frUSTRATIon...
aLL the "yi2 lao3 mai4 lao3" ppl in the comPany, nv wANting To acCEPt theIR misTAKEs, haIZ...
eVEN thou' thEY haD leT uS leARN aLot, theY nv tEACH us muCH. theY teLL u aBIt anD thROW u to dO eVERythiNG... wE maKE misTAKEs tHEn theY saID, "wHY u nv fOllow insTrUCtions??!!!", "i toLd u u sHOULd do thiS, u shouLD do tt, blah blah blah..."
sELF cENTREd ppl nv lOOK @ theMsELVEs, gueSS theY have not bEEN looking intO thE mirRoR fOr a lOng time.