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Thursday, October 28, 2004

aLthou' the comPany is sMAll wiTH a fEW of uS worKing, offICe poLitiCS still cOMe in...
diN wannA gEt invOlVEd but someTImes it juZ caME PouRIng ovER u...
thE 2 pOOR guYs from ACS din noE wHat they hAD bEEN doinG waS wroNG untIL thiS morninG!!!
theN mRs. LeoNG sToppED theiR doinGS aND haD qUestionED DiaNA abouT it coz Diana wAS supposED to keEP aN eye on thEM.
dIAna wAS so unhaPPY, shE sCOlded joSEPh whEN everyOne elSE haD wENT out fOR luNch exCEPt ChrisTIna anD i. thE wAY shE puT it wAS so unfAIR, shE sAID as IF thosE guyS goT her inTO hoT water, buT it's aCtuaLLY heR owN faUlt...
tHE pOOR gUY couLD onLY nod hiS heAD...
haD a tAlk wIth mRs. LeonG aftER wORk, ChrIStinA aND i tOLd her abouT hoW we feLT abouT heR scoLding aNd DiaNA... gUEss wE sHOUldn't haVE saID so opeNLy. NisiTT sHouLD haVE heaRD what wE saID aND thiNK shE'll tELL dIAna sInce theY aRE quitE cLoSe... *bleah*
wHO caRES!!! whaT's done caNNot bE undOne.
aND tt bOSS reprimaNded me on my wAY of rePLyinG letter. he saID wheN ppl asKed fOR "a" , u give "a", when ppl asked for "b", u give "b"...
tHEn aFTER saYIng a loTsa of thiNG tELLing hoW baD i haD dRAFted the rePLY, he loOked @ the lETTer caREfullY anD thouGHT abouT the wAY to rEPly...
aFTERwhiCH, hE derived tHE saME thIng aS me, he combinEd "a" and "b" togeTHER whEN aNswERing!!!!!!!!!!
whaT the hELL!!!!! sCOld me as iF u r tt gOOD. if u dUN haVE a morE brIllIaNT idEA neXT timE, plS duN bLAmE othERS fOr cominG out fOr thAT idEA *hRMp* maYbe one eXCUse fOR him, he's reALLY bz wIth maNy thiNGs, he din thiNK prOperLY and iS geTTIng fRUsTRATed so wANNA fInd someOne to veNT hiS frUSTRATIon...
aLL the "yi2 lao3 mai4 lao3" ppl in the comPany, nv wANting To acCEPt theIR misTAKEs, haIZ...
eVEN thou' thEY haD leT uS leARN aLot, theY nv tEACH us muCH. theY teLL u aBIt anD thROW u to dO eVERythiNG... wE maKE misTAKEs tHEn theY saID, "wHY u nv fOllow insTrUCtions??!!!", "i toLd u u sHOULd do thiS, u shouLD do tt, blah blah blah..."
sELF cENTREd ppl nv lOOK @ theMsELVEs, gueSS theY have not bEEN looking intO thE mirRoR fOr a lOng time.

10/28/2004 07:57:00 pm
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

wENT to tOA paYoh aftER wORk to mEEt Lora on yEsTERdaY.
dINNer wAS on bEN, haha!!! whicH lORa cLAimed thAT she wOULd paY hiM bACk, i dOubT she wIll, keke...
buT truE eNOugh, LOra dOes treaT ppl sOmetimES :p
saW lOra's mUM's bEauty saLON, smaLL buT niCEly deCOrated, anD feLT cOzy.
tOA paYOH iS seLLing aLL thE thiNGs muCH cheAPEr as cOmpaRED to otHer plaCES aND LorA wAS reaLLY amusED by thEM...
i wAS raTHEr tiRED aftER wOrk, aND i lEFT sOOn.
bY thE timE i gOT hoME, thE sKY haD aLreadY dARKen.
aFTER waSHing up aND wATChinG TV foR a wHile, i weNT to bED...

tHIS morNIng, meT cAIhonG, mEIlI, theIR frIEnd(dunno her name, from TP thou', keke...), sOOK kuAN aND sAMAntHA. I waIted fOR ChrIStinA in frOnt of fAR eAST SHoppinG ceNTre, AnD caME togETHer wIth hER wERE wENDy aND IntAN. They wERE wOrking beHInd ouR bLdG @ 4 seASONs hOtEL.
haD bEEN meeTing TP sTUdentS aLmosT eVERyday exCEPT fOR thosE daYS whiCH i weNT raTHER eaRLY.
wOndER if it wouLD hAPPEn thiS wAY wHEN wE reaLLY sTEP inTO thE wORkinG sOCieTY.
cHRistinA wAS pissED ofF bY MRs. LeonG tOday abouT thE cLient's GST. hOPE the ProbLEm wiLL bE reSOlved sOOn... mE sTartED on my 2nd cOmpaNY, DAvid B. TOkiWA. hopE thAT no biG probLEms crops uP!!! wahaha!!!

10/26/2004 07:42:00 pm
Sunday, October 24, 2004

hMm... haven't bLog fOr a fEW dAYs...
wOrkiNg = heCTic lIfe... thiS is mY new eQuaTion.

wEd waS mY 1sT daY @ wOrK @ faR eaST sHoppInG ceNTre.
tHE bOss anD laDY boSs bRieFed cHrIsTinA(liANg's gF) anD i on ouR wOrk.
thE comPany is veRY smALL, besIdes the tWO meNtionED anD the tWO of uS, thERE iS a maNager aNd tWo staFF, bOth joinED fOR 4mtHS onLy.
onE juZ grAD frOm TP (my sENior, keke...), shE is from Myanmar, aNothER juZ grAd from NUS, she is a vietnamese.
faCE the compuTEr foR thE whoLE daY, leaRninG to kEY in trANsaCTionS into UBS systeMs.
iT wAS ok aND Mrs Leong (laDy boss) saiD we dun haVE to do OT, so we lefT @ 5.45pm.
sLightLY laTer thAN 5.30pm cOZ we din noE wE haD ovERshoT ouR wOrkinG houRs.
bUsy daY paSSEs verY fasT...

aS I aSSigNed to pROvIDE an aCCounTIng svc to a cLiENT, a comPany call kRanz, i haD to gO aLL thE wAy to PasIR paNjANG fOR mY 2nd daY of wORk.
Nam, the vieTnameSE, wAs wIth me on tHAt daY buT sHe wAS reALLY late.
wE wERE supposEdly to bE therE @ 8.30am, buT sHe waNTeD to meET @ 9am insTeaD.
howEVer, shE reaCHEd @ onLY 9.30am, anD i wAS lEft aLonE wIth KraNZ...
i cAN sTaRT notHIng cOZ thE laPtop is wIth nAM, aND kRaNZ bOss who hAD the keYs to the impt files was not in thE offIce yet...
Nam had heLped me a littLe buT i dUN thiNK shE reaLLY noe wHat to dO oso...
thE comPany is veRY wEIRd... cAN nV tELL u anythiNG abouT whaT u neED to do fOR the cLieNT aND juZ thROW u thERE.

didn't reALLY noe whaT i wAS doinG, aNd whaT waS supposeD to bE done, i wAS leFT @ kRANz to wOrk on mY owN fOR thE 3rD daY.
I wAS trYing to dO aLL i caN, tHEN i baLanCEd thE caSh bOOk anD thE bANk statEmeNT, i decIDEd wHat i haD donE wAS enuFF.
i paCKed mY sTuff aNd lEft @ 5.30pm, bRinGIng thE laPtop homE.
b4 goinG hOme, i weNt to Meet QingHAO, sOOk KuAN anD cAIhOng @ outRAM mRT sTN.
wE wENT fOR dinnER togETheR @ a sMaLL chinESE reSTAUrANT.
wEIyi joinED us laTer...
thE fOOD wAS...
thE "yang zhou" friED rIce wAS bLAnd aNd thEIR prAWns in the hOR fun wERE yUCKiE...
firSt bitE oF the praWN wAS ok, buT iF u bitE till the cENTre paRT, u will tASte the smELLY meAt *pUkEz*
aFter thE dinnER, wE wENt to "The tHiRD pLace". theY saID thAT it is the "ming ge chan ting"...
it wAS a cHristIaN thiNG whiCH QinghAO invitED us to aTTeND.
it wAS ok, heaRing theM sEE anD plaYIng somE gAMEs, anD i was saBOtAGed bY qingHAo aND waS invitED to the staGE to play a sTupid gaME, "dANCe to the musIC"...
wELL i saBOtAGEd qInghao 1st thou'... buT the otHER girLS did heLp me tOO! unfAIR *bleaH*
thERE was a haNDsOme singER anD sook KuaN wAS reaLLy plaCIng exTRa aTTN on him, waHAha...
tHks qinghAO fOR helpinG me to carrY thaT bULkY anD heaVY laPtop :p
aND thKs to qingHAo's frIEnd who senT aLL of uS hoME, a reALLY nicE laDY ;)

wORk @ OG p.p. yeSterdaY...

compaRIng saLES aND offIce joB, saLEs is mucH morE inteRESTing.
u cAN mEET aLL sOrts of ppL aND u geT to run aROund, geT to taLk to Ppl aNd gET to aRGUe witH thE dePArtmeNT superVisOR or maNagER, keke...
in thE offICe, i faCEd the cOmpuTER, a reALLY eYE-sTraininG thiNG to DO fOR the whoLE daY...
aNd by the timE i reaCHed homE, i wAS sO tiREd.
meNtALLy, frOm thE raCKinG oF brAIn in the ofFICe.
pHysICaLLY, from thE sTRaininG of EYEs aND ALso thE pOOR injureD feeT cauSed bY weARinG uncOmfOrtaBLe fOOTweAR...
i nEEd to geT mYsELF a comFortABLe paIR of shoE, asaP...
wIll be gg to bUgiS wIth my mUM laTEr, hopE to find mYsELF a wondERfuL paIr of shoes that fiTs on mY feET comfOrtably... ("p)v
reSULTs wERE out on fri, wAS very satisfieD with it coZ it's thE firsT time i finaLLY hit mY taRGet *cheers*

hOpe to Meet up wIth u gIRls sOOn.
taKe caRE :p

10/24/2004 09:07:00 am
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

thE grOaninG of the tHundER disTurBed mY sLeEP... aNd i wAS leFT haLf-aWaKE...
hOweVER thE dEAfENing aND pOwerfuL rOAr of tHundER thAt fOLLowed, sHook mE ouT of mY bED...
iT wAS thE mosT feARfUl tHundER i haD evER heARd in mY 19 yeARs of LiFE.
wAS i trEMbLing??? oR wAS it mY heARt wAS vIbrAtinG from tHe treMoR???
mY muM aND dAD, too, were fRIghtENEd bY thE sounD oF the thunDER. mY daD eveN cAME to My rOOm to cheCK if mY sIS aNd I wERE aLL rITe, eVEn thou' wE wERE aLreADY groWN-upS...
hoW cAN i deScrIbE thE thunDER??? it wILL not bE exaggERATing to saY thaT it wAS liKe a bOmB exPlodIng beSIde u!!! mY windOws wERe vibRatIng vigOrOusLY wITh every rOaR of thE tHundER, eSP the gRIlls.
it wAS so sTronG thAT the aLARM of thE sENsOR oF the caR weNT oFF! thE owNer haD to waKE up aND oFF thE aLaRM eaCh timE thE thundER rOarED.
i OpeN thE wOOdeN dOOR aND tooK a lOOk OutSide, it wAS rAininG caTS aND DOgs. i dIdn't liKE thE feELing, i cLosED the dOOR.
i wOndER iF it haD waKen eveN the deAD??? haha!!! thiS is TOO faR fEtcHEd i gUess... PPl liKE mY sis iS stIll SounD aSLeep, noT abiT botHEred bY the thundER!! haha!!!
mY imaGinaTion rAN wIld, sToriES of deVIl bEinG bOrN, deITiEs beIng caLLEd baCK or baNished to eaRth... wahaha!!! thiNK i wATCHED too muCH of thosE sErieS show, keke...
i wAS wondERinG iF thosE PARTy ANimaLS haD heARd it AS it wAS 3am deN... buT i gUessED not. cOZ mY bROther wHo jUZ gOT hOme frOm MDm wOng tOld mE hE neVer heAR aNythiNG...
it tOOk mE a whiLe fOR mE to geT baCK to sLeeP. tHankfULLy, i haVe mY pysDuCK wHicH i caN huG, maKinG mE feEL moRE sEcURe...

10/19/2004 09:47:00 am

bOught a heARt shaPe KeY peNdaNt fOR HX, quiTE a gOOd baRgAIn, it's whiTE gOLd one lEH... keke...
on laST tHurDay, i wENt to BreKZ fOR dInnER wIth mY yEAR 1 cLassMate, 12 oF uS caME...
OvER the dInninG tABLe we kEEP aRgUeinG ovEr the prOnounciaTion of the restaUraNT naME "breKz" wIth sUnny... the tOpiC wIll pOp ouT everY noW and tHEn aS thE sTaff gREEteD cusTomeRs who waLked in, "WelComE to brEkZ!"
SunnY will keEP reminDIng us thAT he is aN A1 studENt for EngLiSH *bleAH*
thE buffEt haD quitE a sMall raNGe of fooD, buT the serVice thERe wAS alRighT.
aLthouGh the vArieTY is noT wIDe, buT i wAS feeLing fUll by thE 2nD or 3rD rOund!
QinG hAO aNd huiFAng is thE bEst, thEy kEEp eAting aftER eveRYone wAS fUll aNd didn'T wANt to bUdgE @ aLL.
eSP qIng haO, hE eVEn gO fOR the mAIn cOuRse for thE laST rOunD!!! wE wERE liKE "wOW"!!!
aFter eVERyonE haD sTopped, i stOOd up. eVeryonE eYE-wIDE lOOkinG @ mE aND eVEryonE startED QuesTIoning me, "u stIll wANNa eaT ah???", "whaT fOOd u wANNA tAKe???", "u wANNA geT the icE cREAM izzit???". i Keep qUiet untIl eveRyone fIniSHed quesTioning... tHEn i saId someThing whiCH is not very gLAmouR... i tolD thEM, "i AM goinG to geT shit."
haha!!!! coZ i aCtuaLLY stOOd up to gO to thE wASHrOOM...
aFter the dInnER, WE waLKed to thE mERlioN aREA neAR cENtro.
wE tOOk picTUre oF thE mERlioN, sIde vIew... i wAS so pROud of onE of thE piCs i tOOk coZ thE liGHT wAS caPtuRE @ a reaLLY gOOD ANgle, givinG a very dIff LooK and fEELing... buT that piC is in aGNes' hP...
wE chiT chaTtEd fOr aN abouT haLf aN houR aND WE heADed hOMe liAo...
wOrk @ OG pp on fRI...
weNt to sCh on sAT, eVERyone wAS reALLY exCitED ovER the SIP excEpt thoSE sELF seCured.
gOt a joB @ fAR eaST shoPPinG cENtre, onLy 20 bucKs per daY, mY LO hAD neGO fOr 420buCKs PER mtH. thEY saID ok, buT dunnO wIll reALLY comply tO it oR not, mY LO askED me to Look @ mY 1st paY aNd see hoW it gOEs. haIZ... cHEaP lABour!!! wahaha!!!
wENT sHoppInG wIth aGnes anD IvIs afteR that... a frUitFul shoppinG fOr agNEs :p
sundaY wAS anotheR wOrkinG daY @ OG pp, but moRE haPPening, keke...
saW thiS gIrl asKing fOR 5 dOCumENT baGs fROm pERLini. thiNK they mUZ be cLosE frIEnds getTIng saME baGs togeTHer. laTer, i saW aLL the 5 oF thEM. actUaLLy 1 gIRl is frOm mY coursE, pEIyuE. haha!!! wAT a coinCIdeNT...
aftER that, sAW someOne wHO resembled my aUnt...taKing a cLosEr loOk, it's reALLy hER wIth mY cOusIn, Jeni. mY aunT sLimmeD dOwn abIt, sO i wASn't sURe it's heR wHEn i fIrst sAW heR.
cOOl, noE a gIRl froM QQ beaR. sHE wAS juz a reLief fOr that wEEKenD. shE's aMiaBle aND we hiT oFF quiTe wEll dEN i noE shE's FROm tP tOO, but jUz grAD, haha!!! sMall wORLD sIA.
wENT foR KTV @ maRine paRaDE. tHAnks huiMin fOR the cOupon, mY poLy fRIeNDs aND i gOT to sIng for fREe!!!
aFTer thE KTV sesSIon, sOOk KuaN, caIhonG, Pin piN aND I weNT tO TP to mEET mEIli aND meIhui fOr thE shIsEIdO wORkShop.
gOT a fEw tIps on maKE-up anD pERsOnaL hYgIenes. thE laDy givInG the tALk wAS homoRouS, thEreFOre maKing thE tALK moRE liveLy.
theY gAve us thEir saMplEs. wANNa tRY theIR sOfTENer whiCH they cLAimed is a muCH beTTEr CHoicE tHaN tonER :p

10/19/2004 08:49:00 am
Thursday, October 14, 2004

Ah pAM comPlaInt to JosephIne thAT i Tok too mUch wHen wOrkiNG... buT i dUn cARE, whaha!!!
wHo aSked hER to plaCE 3 saLEgIrLs @ 2 sHeLves *bLeaH*
i deTesT the wAY theY wEre doinG saLEs yeSterDAy, 2 - 3 saLEsGiRLs sUrrounDing 1 cUstomER trYIng to bLOck theIr wAY so thaT thE cusTOmer won't gET the cHance to Look @ thE baGs from otHEr bRaNds, yUCkss
Kelly kUM cAMe aND visitED uS yeSTerdaY, noW deN i reaLisEd that she looKs liKE "liAO yinG yinG"...
noT muCH thinGs haPPened, waT caN be haPPening @ wORk??? beIng saCKed??? wahaha!!!
goIng to gET HX's pRESeNT laTER... hMM... hopE that i caN finD someThinG niCE that fIts intO ouR budGET :p

10/14/2004 08:27:00 am
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

yEstERdaY, i WEnt to gEyLang polYcliniC with my mUM, aftER consultIng the dOctoR he saId thAT the stuPid wouND on mY paLm is noT a cOrN, it's an inFEcTion. mY mUM hAD a sMall one on hER fingER, too. sO we tOOk the SAMe pREscrIption, keke... in additIon, she askED thE dOctoR to presCriBe somE medIcinE fOR hER lEg whiCH haD beeN givinG hER aLot of probLEms.
wE tOOk 2 hOUrs, to reGisTEr, consULt, paY aNd cOllECt the medIcinE. iT wAS a tUesDay, yeT thE poLycLiniC wAS fUll of paTieNTs waItinG fOr consUltation wIth thE dOctorS.
aFtER thaT i tOOk a trAIn frOm paYa lEbAr tO buKit gOmBAk, a lonG jouRNey whiCH i aM bEginniNG to gET usE to. DeaR wAS still asLeep wHen i reAched buKit gOmbaK, juZ as i hAD gUessED.
weNT up to hiS houSE, bObbY grOwled aND baRked @ me, i wAS quiTe frIgHTeNed bY it duE to thE sNarlinG sounD. He saId thAT the dOg juZ woKe up that's y it's beHavinG thiS wAY... muST bE leaRniNg thAt frOm AndY, wAHaha!!!
wATcHed "yuan2 wei4 de4 xia4 ri4" togEThER beFOre wE wENt doWN to plAY pOOl. tHat's onE aDvANtAGE of lIvinG @ a cOndO, u gET tO usE theSE fAcilItieS fOr fREE!!! yah... bUt gOtta paY hiGH fEEs eVery moNth or yeAR, i dunnO lah... i hAVe eNjoYeD liVinG in HDB fLAts aLL mY lIfe :p
aS fOr the PooL gAMe, i dun thiNK i Have to saY, eVeryonE wiLL noe Who's thE wInnER...
hAIz... aND it wAS timE FOr hiS wOrk... iT wAS rAinIng, or raTHer, dRizzLinG wHen we wALkeD to thE MRT. luCKily, i Have bROugHT my umBreLLa :p buT hE dUN wANNA usE... guys...
hE aLigHTed @ cLeMEnti aNd i saT aLL the wAy from wEst linE to eASt linE, paSIr rIS, to meET mY paRentS @ dOWntOwn eASt.
mY dAD wENt tHeRE for a sWIm, aNd noT menTioninG, jaCkpoT...
mY mum aND dAD ah... can't sTop thEM frOm goiNg jaCkpoT one loR...
we wENt to thE fOOdcoUrt in DOwntOwn eASt, aNd i mEt my dEAR PE tEACher, Mr. HO!!!!
hE wAS wIth hiS wIfe aND daUghtER haVing dinnER in thE fOOdcourT, tOO!
wE chaTTed fOr a whiLE aNd wE bRougHT up the cOmmOn tOpiC bEtweeN us, "temaSEk sEC". hE aLso feLT thaT TMS stANdarD is deTerioRaTing. diSaPPointmEnt wAS thE muTuaL feELing...
iT wAS 9pm wHen i reAChed hoMe... anotHER tirIng daY. buT i gOttA enjoY thiS wEEK!!! alThouGH i stIll wOrk on thE dAYS i aM freE, keke... nEED the monEy lAH... u undERstAND maa... attaChMEnt saLarY, demoRALisinG...

10/13/2004 08:57:00 am
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

mY dEAr friENd cHris compLaint that i dId noT updaTE my bLOg.... so i am here to update... anYway... i fOund out thAT chRIs oSO nV reALLie upDAte hERs leh!!!
aFter mY CRA ppR on saTurDAy, i wenT fOr CoaCh jEAn's housE waRminG @ bEDok sOuth.
beFOre thaT, i dRoppED bY @ min's houSE 1st. wE chiT chaTTed anD xIan caMe to wAtch meTeoR gaRdeN.
wE wAtchED until 2pm beFOre meeTIng cHris aND juLia to gO coaCH's hOuse @ bLoCK 60.
we vERy "biG caRD", laST to reACh... but @ leASt we bougHT a $30 rObinSOn vOucHEr as a gIft laST minuTE.
gueSS we'll bE reALLy embarassEd coZ we'LL bE the onLY gRoup who wENt theRE eMpty-handeD!!! wahaha!!!
cOAch sLimmED down alOt liaO, i thiNk evEN sLimmER thAn b4 shE gaVe birTH, hER rOgeR stIll thE saMe. hE stILL lOOks liKE husbANd who wiLL bE buLLied by cOach, whaha!!!
theIr sOn, sHAo minG waS so cUTe!!! he wAS sO gOOD @ imitATion. thE beST paRt waS that WE teAcHed hiM to saY "mummY, i LovE u" aNd it wAS so sWeet wheN he sAid it to cOach aND gAve cOAch a pecK on hER cHeek. cOach muST reALLie dOTe on hIM, man... wahaha!!!
afTEr alOt of chaTTing witH coaCH, helpIng ourSELveS with thE fOOD aNd plaYing wIth shAOminG, we wENT to huiXIan's chaLet... wE caTEreD fOOD ovER... aNd juLia wENt for wORk.
wE juZ sTayED @ the chaLEt fOr a wHilE anD we had noT bougHT any PResENt fOr HX's 21sT bdAY!!!!
i muST adMittED thaT wE aRE anti-SOCiaL, we scAREd if we sTayed tOO Long, maNy unfaMiliaR faCEs wouLD sTart aPPEarIng...
sO aFteR abouT an houR, we wENt to bUgIS. wE sHoppED till arounD 10pM anD chris bougHT a bikinI, gueSS it wAS a good buy, one sEt @ 22 bucKS onLY!!!
on mY wAY hoMe, i meT my paReNts on the bus!!! our timinG iS reaLLie complementing sia...
yesTerday wAS my laST ppr, wow reLAx liao!!!!!!!!
weNT to RELC to register fOr SAT1, 93 bucKs loR!!! so eX... 5% GST, sIanz...
aFter that, i wENt to OrchaRd Mrt to meeT chrIS and juLia. sPent 10 buCKs on tAXi faRE, siaNz...
we weNt pasTa maNia @ cIneLEisURe, onLY mE gOT studENt prOmotIon dIscount, wahaha!!! cHrIs aND juLia's eYes weNt greEN!!! wahaha!!! my dyED-blaCK haIr aND the sTupiD fRIngE maKE me Look liKe a neRDy sTudeNt lah... so bo bIanz...
met maGGIe(neTbaLL juNior) @ cine.
weNT sHoppinG from cineleisure, to heeren, to taka, to wisma den to faR eAst... chRIs gOt hER eyebrOW sHaPing @ wISmA IsetAN @ LancomE countER.
juLia neeDEd to gO fOr heR wOrk, so shE leFT sLighTLy eaRLiER...
mE onLy goT a caNvAS beLt... sIanz... cHriS gOt heR beACh sLippErS aNd forTUnaTe hER is noW @ tIoMAn wIth hER nIc aNd hER poLy frIends...
bLuR cHRIs... maKE hERsELF paisEh yesTERday, haha... gOttA tEll u aLL wHen we meET. cHris, u dun minD rite??? or u wANNA keeP it a seCREt btW us, keke??

10/12/2004 09:05:00 am
Tuesday, October 05, 2004

i wAS shoCked whEN Jeassea wAS annouNced thAT shE wAS eliminatED!!!
aLthouGh i aGreed thaT it wAS HER wOrsE pERforMaNce, sHe wAS not the wOrsT aMong thE contEstANts... i feLt so saD fOR hER... wAS it bEcausE she laCKed frIEnds in SingaporE to vOte foR heR???
on tHe otHER haNd, ChrIstophER wAS totALLy oFF thaT daY, yET don'T knoW whAT's wIth SIngaPOreANs... thEY voTED fOR hiM...
aS fOR jERRy... hE wAS indEED a kELong the prEVioUS rOund, buT fOR thiS week, he dId gREat, @ leAST that's whaT i thiNK. hE bRougHT thE sonG ouT wEll :p
bEautIfUL CAndice bAcKed up, didn'T knoW whAT haPPened to hER, but as Lei bLoggED, it wAS ruMouRed thAT it wAS somethiNG gottA dO wIth ChrIstophER.
pERsonaLLy, i don't lIke cHrisTOphER...
mY deAR dAviD, hE wAS sTIll SO cUte, aLthouGh hE wAS commeNTed thaT hE hAd pRomoted fROm aN aH-bENg to ex aH-beNG aND thEN ah-cHEk... hE reALLy lOOks LikE likE thE cHaraCter in the moviE, "the masK"!
i aM gLAd thaT beverLY wAS out, so thAT i don't hAve to sEE thosE cHildIsh aCT on SIngaporE idOl... i agReed thaT sHe wASn't beIng reAL whEN she's on sCreeN.
i lIke DaphNe's choiCE (or rATher hER paREnts') of Song, "joy to the worLd". @ 1St i tot SHE wAS goinG to sing: "joy to the world, the lord has come, let us....." hAha... gUess i wAS sTill in My chilDhooD wOrld...
lEandrA sounDed gOOd aCtuaLLY, but thE sonG chosEn wAS reALLy monotonous, shE jUst did noT gEt thE chaNce to sHow her potEntial... aNd tAUfik wAS... ok laH, no commeNt.
Maia, SylvEster ANd OlinDa did wELL thaT dAY, esP. sYLvEsteR!!! hE contROllED hiS voiCE reAllY WEll :)

10/05/2004 10:24:00 am

iT haD bEEN abouT a wEEK sinCe i lASt posTEd
hAD beEN seeIng a fAmiliAR fACe thiS sEmeSteR, shE's fROm TMS, Ziyi...
reALLY lonG timE nV sEE hER, she... sTIll looK thE sAMe, fIgUre is alSO sTill aS gOOd, haha...
hMm.. i seEMEd tO be tALking LikE a gUy, wahaha!!!
mY mUM heLpED to dyE my haIr dArK bROwn on SUnDAy, buT it tuRNed ouT blaCk. WHat's wOrse??? aBOut 2 inCHes fROm the haIR-eND dId noT aBsoRB thE coloUr anD REmAINed gOld... mY haIr cOnditIon wAS "lAgi jiA lAT" aftER tHat...
weNt kiMagE fOR a hairCuT & 3-sTep trEAtmeNt, I MuST PRaiSE THem FOr THeiR HAiR TreAtmENT. hOwevER... thinK thE gIRl iS a trAInee, sHe trImmED mY frIngE tOO sHoRT *bleah* i tOLd hER to leAVe it bELoW mY eyeBroWNs aNd sHE did iT juZ aBove, whAT thE heCK!!! mAybE to sEE a gLass bEIng haLF-fULL raTHer thaN haLf-eMpTY, i sHoUld bE gRateFul thaT shE wAS thE moRE eXPerIenCEd trAInee anD i wAS noT aTTenDED bY the gReen-hoRn!
I wAS trYIng to sQUeezE thE tHeoRY of CRA inTO mY petite brAin lAST niGHT whEn mY prImaRY schooL-maTEs, kANg Mai aND HOng kIat caLLEd mE ouT foR a dRInk @ thE coffeesHop nExt tO mY bLk. iT beCAme a sMaLL gaTHerinG fOR pRImaRY sChool-maTEs as i "jio" QinFEn alOng :p
iT wAS a frUitfUL gaTHerinG. wE chaTTed from 10pm plUs to 1AM, uPdaTIng eACh otHER on ouR liVEs aNd reminiscences oF ouR chiLdhOOd in prImaRY... thoSE wERE thE caRE-fREe daYs whiCH aLL oF uS missED...

10/05/2004 09:50:00 am