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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

nO onE botheRs to rePly me, noT eveN dEAr...
pERhaPS i shan't wastE my msGes...
pERhaPS i sHouLd conceNtraTE on mY cominG exAms...
mY lEg musCles are much okAy now buT i still can feel sligHT muscleS pull now and thEn.

i wAnna fUlfill my plaNs. i'm gonnA sTuDY for my eXams now, aftER eXAms i wANNa go register fOR SAT, i aM gonnA plaY b4 my SIP starts, i'm gonna..., i'm gonna...
buT i wonDEr if i wOuld woRK thEM ouT...

M.I.A. ... perhaps i shall try it for once... why am i always there for u when u were never there for me???

9/29/2004 09:16:00 am
Monday, September 27, 2004

SaTurdAY wAS a bZ daY...
@ 1pM, i wENt to SilAH's hOusE aNd aTTEnDed thE "aftER-ROM bufFET". thEre wAS not mANy ppL, exCEpt fOR a fEW reLativeS aND fRieNds. wATcH the vIdEO tHEy haD taKEn @ the ROM, aN eDUcaTioNAL prOgRAmmE, keke... cOz i gOT to sEE hoW mUSLiM's ROM gOes :p
tHE buFFet wAS noT mY cUP of tEA, aLL disHes wERe eitHer Curry or cHilly, wahaha!!!
@ aBouT 2.15pM i lefT, aNywAY mY houSE wAS juZ oppOsIte theIRs, hehe...

@ abouT 3.45Pm, i lEft mY houSE foR cLEmeNti, aNd i endED up @ cLEmeNti eaRliER thAN i eXpeCTed, 4.30pM...
aLRigHT, so i wENt aRounD cLEMenTI cENTraL fOR a wALk, tHERe wAS pASar maLanG. thANks gOODneSS, i haD beeN theRe a few timEs reCEntLY aND wAS not tHaT unfAMiliaR wIth thE aREa ;P
reTUrNed to thE mRT @ 5pM aND wAITED fOR aLmosT haLF an houR b4 LEi reACHEd, mIn wAS laTE bY too muCH so thE 2 oF uS wENT on ouR oWN 1st bY caB (leI paID fOR thE tAxi faRE sO tO @@ hER dEAR son, yOnGhaO) keke... a reaLLY gOOD motHEr wOR... wahaha!!!! j/k
wHEn we reACHed hosPiTal wARD 51, Hao-mA, cHristinA(hAO-gf) aND jENNifER(cHrisTinA's youngER sis) wEre aLreADY thERE. wE jUZ chit chaTTed. bUT cHrisTinA wAS noT verY haPPy thaT thERe wEre onLY gIRls visitIng hAO, cOz haO toLD hER somE gUys (ziWEI theY aLL) wOuLd be cOminG witH us foR the visiT, oOPs...
didn't noE thaT cHrisTInA couLd noT undERstaND MAndaRIn so i wAS sPEaKing mANdARin thRu' ouT aND shE couLd noT undERstaND a wORd, keke... sHE's thE kOREAN gIRl, i noE but i tOt shE leaRNt chineSE, paIsEH...
jEnnifER wAS reaLLy cuTE, sHE eveN tok to ZiweI aND Lei on MSN usIng haO's niCK, haha!!!
mIn caME quiTE laTE aND afTEr abouT 15-30 minUteS laTEr, we neEDEd to leAVE.

sUppoSed to meET thE otHER gIRLs 7pM @ sOmERsET MRt, buT by the tIME we reAChed thERE wAS abouT 7.20Pm, xIAn wAS waItinG fOR uS @ thE mRT aND we waITED fOR gELine whO caME the eARLiEST aND hAD wENT fOR a wALk 1st @ HeereN. cHRIs, juLIa aND huiXIan cOuldn'T cOme.
cHRIs... i wIll gET mY monEY baCK from u, dUn wOrrY *eVIL laUGHs*

lOra joinED ouR dInnER wIth beN. gLad thaT they aRE bacK togEThER. LorA, trEASuRE hiM moRE hoR... duN leT hiM run aWAy!!! keke...
thE dInnER @ riALto wAS gREAt!
niCE fOOd, nIcE aTmosPhERe, niCE sTAff aND a reaLLy niCE lADyboSS wHO gAVe min a comPliMEntaRy caKe aND gaVE us poSTcARDS (whiCH iS aLso thE naMEcaRD of thaT reSTaURant thou') aND heLpeD us tAKe picTUres! yesTERdaY's "fLyinG kiSSes" posE wILL bE "pubLicIzEd bY ouR dEAR lOra's wEB, dIn lOOk gOOd in anY piCs aND thaT's thE usuAL caSE *bleAh*
lORa gaVE min a deniM sKiRT, it lOOkED nicE. hWR, it LooKed kinDA wEIRd wHEn mIN pUT it on. pERhaPS it's reALLY tigHT fIttinG likE mini sKirT, yeT wAS a biT tOO long. miN will bE altERing it so as noT to waSTe lORa's effOrt anD toTs to gET hER a preSEnt ;p
thE sKirT we bOugHT foR min wAS slIghtLY to biG fOR her!!! min, u nEED to put on sAMe weIght liao... it's XS and it sTILL looKEd sO LoosE on u!
aNYWAY, we weNT to exCHangE fOR XXS yeSTErdaY aND it fITted juZ nicE on Min, not a biT tigHT! i wOndER wHEn caN i eVEn fiT intO thE XS, noT meNTioninG thE XXS, wahaha!!!

whEN wE weRE taKinG the trAIn hoMe aFter thE dInnER, Min aND i mET eDMunD (pooN) @ cITy haLL mRT wHiLE we wERE chaNgInG trAIns!!! tHougHT thaT thE 3 of uS couLD chiT cHat on the trAIn, buT a buNch oF indIAns/bANgLadeSh squeEZed intO the MRT aNd separaTEd eDmunD from uS *bleAh*
haIz... thiNK goTTa caTCh up wiTH hiM next tiME... :(
reaLLY gREAT to caTch up wIth u gIRls, hopE to cYA sOOn!!!!

9/27/2004 08:39:00 am
Saturday, September 25, 2004

aFTer schOOl, buMped into cHris. sHE asKED me to join tHeir vOlleYbaLL gaMe, so i jUZ join Lor aNywAY lasT daY of sEM liao...

We wERe plaYing tEnniS but iT wAS rAiniNg aNd we couLdn't reALLy gET intO a reAl gAMe. tHAnks to KebAZ(WEihonG) for cOAchiNg me, reALLY lonG timE nv sEE hiM liAo eVer sinCE yr1 I-GuidES...
aLso haven't sEE "cHickEN"(QuanGen) fOr a lOng Long timE sinCE thiS yr I-gUides, diDn't noE so maNy thiNgs haPPened to hiM in I-gUideS. fELt sAD for hiM... sHit thosE hyPocRitES aNd baCK-sTabbERs!!!
May(from TMS previousLy) wAS so QuiEt, dunnO if that is hER usuaL sElf...

When Dr. Cheng (or whaTevER, i am not too sure) cAMe, we plaYed neTBAll insTead of vOlleYbaLL.
it hAD bEEN a reALLY lonG timE tHat i hAD ruN so muCH... mY lEGs wERe alREadY haVinG the cRAmp sympTom b4 i started plaYing aNd trUe enuFF, i gOT muscles craMp @ the END of thE gAMe...

it haD beEN gREAT playIng wiTH thEM aND gLad to noE jiAmin :p

Min wAS quiTE piSSed oFF yESterdAY, buT i DIn noe whY... hOpe thaT shE haD cOOLed dOwn toDAy, keke...

9/25/2004 01:06:00 pm
Friday, September 24, 2004

on WednesDAy, i wAS wriTing noTEs 1/2 waY whEn gelinE suggESted to sHop fOr min's pREsENt. yAh... aNd thaT gaVe me an eXcusE to deLAy my wOrk, keke....

weNt to oRcharD to meET gELine, i wAs quiTe laTE, paisEh...
gELinE wAS gETTing hER innER bEaUty from PC @ taKa.

wE'VE gOt a liGHT bROwn sKiRT from mANgo @ wiSma iSetAN , aNd it wAS an eMbaRRassIng purChasE... noE wHY??? cOz we saW a laDy who wAS abouT Min's sIZe, sO we aPPRoaCHed hER aND asKed hER to heLp uS trY on thE sKirT!!! haha!!! luCkiLY thE ladY wAS reALLy nicE aNd shE aGreed :p
theN wE aLsO bouGHT a paIR of Moshi Moshi eArrinGS and a me-to-you BdaY caRd frOm tAKa.

i wAS crAVIng fOR tAko, howEver by the tIme wE get to thE staLL, it wAS cLosinG...
aNd i eNded up haVinG paNcaKe.
wAItED fOR bEAu wiTH geLine. wHen he CAMe, i bID gOODbYE aNd lEFt foR the MRT. it wAS gETTing laTE aNd i haD sChool the neXt daY...
i didn't meAn to run aWay, likE geLine saID, keke... it's juZ thaT sincE beAU caME liao deN i bETTer geT goinG, dun wANNa be a LigHT bluB *bleah*

9/24/2004 02:31:00 pm
Wednesday, September 22, 2004

weNT to cLEmENti aftER sChooL to MEet dEAr...
it WAS onLY toDAy thaT he toLD mE that This faMily is runninG into somE pRObLems... he SHOuLd haVe toLD mE eARLiER. keEping mE in the dARk wILL onLY lET mY iMaginAtion rUn wIld...

aNyWAy whEN i wAS goinG home, i sAW somEone. guESS who???
it WAs Shu Hui!!!! sHe wAS StuDying occupaTion TherApy @ NYP. iT wAS sUch a piTY thAT i WAS gETTing dOwn th eTRain lIAo aND WE couLD not tOk more...

wENt To sIm Lim to buY cArtrIdGE, didn't NOe iF thE pRIce Was reASonaBLe or not...
the coloUr ones wERE $15 aNd the bLaCK inK wAS $18. hOpe thAt i wAS not beinG a "cArrOT" *bLEaH*

thiS wEEK is mY laSt weeK of sCHooL aNd neXT wEEK wILL be mY sTuDY wEEK, goNNa wOrk Hard liaO, COz mY PRojECts haD beEN puLLing mY gRADes dOwn!!! haha!!! i wIll tRY to WOrK haRd lah...
SIP is starting on 20 OCt, buT wE will only noe whERE aRE wE goinG on 16 Oct!!! wOW... thiNK wE hAD to nOe whAT is thE compANy DoinG aNd hoW to gET tO thE cOmpaNY in 4 daYs time... wAT a rUsh! ("~)

bTw, miN is cELebRAtinG hER bdaY on saT. i aM aSKing noW, WHO's sHaRing wIth mE aNd iF no onE rEPLies... i aM buyIng on mY owN liao...

9/22/2004 10:33:00 am
Sunday, September 19, 2004

i haD actuaLLY writtEn a Long bLog previoUsLy, hoWeVEr as i finisHed bLoggIng, mY computER jaMMed. thE wHole bLog wAS gone... haiz... 4gET it i jUz maKE my lonG storY shorT now

anyWay lASt sundAy went eASt cOast to celEbraTE witH Nana, it wAS a fArewEll paRTy. sHe hAD lEFt foR WalEs,UK on wEdnEsdaY...
saW gElinE tHat daY @ MOS BurGER, she's wIth... bEAu of courSE, keke...

pREsEntaTion fOr mY proJect wAS finaLLY ovER on TuesDAy...

wEnt to wAtCh DodGEball wIth AnthonY on fRI. it wAS a reALLy hilarious shoW, not bAD :p it wAS reALLY comical waTchiNg theM plaY the dOdGEbaLL, anD hEArinG "Goodman WhiTE" tryIng to sPEak AS iF he has a gOOD commaNd of EngLish, keke...

tOday, i went to aTteNd wEixIong's gRanny's fUnERAl wIth BingLi @ tIonG baHRu... 1St timE aTTending friENd's RElaTive funERaL, fELt quiTE weIRd anD didn't noE whaT to saY or do.
aNyway, juZ go thERE chiT chaT anD gIve bereavement (bai2 jing1). hiS fAmilY neEDs the monEy quiTE baDly cOz thEY dun haVE manY reLAtivES to heLp thEM paY foR the set-up oF the funERaL, hiS paRenTs hAD divOrCEd...
fELt kinDa sad foR WeiXIong aND hE wAS quiTE TRaumaTisEd ovER hiS gRanny's deAth...

thERE wAS a rOadblock @ ChinAtowN yeSTerdaY aND thAT coz mE to hAve to wALK fOR 2 bus-sTops bEfORE i cAN taKE a buS... wAS alREaDY quitE tirED afteR woRKing aND thEy aRE sTill maKinG thiNgs diffIcult for me, haiz... wahaha!!!!

9/19/2004 07:48:00 pm
Thursday, September 09, 2004

Got back my Consumer Banking project today, it was quite ok... B... Luckily the comments from the tutor weren't as bad as i expected.

After school, i went all the way to bukit gombak. Thankfully, I meet Weizhong on the train. @ least there's someone to accompany me throughout the long and bring train ride...

He waved at me but I could not recognise him at first, I smiled back. Then he wanted to leave his seat, think he was coming over to sit beside me. But he sat back when I gave him a puzzled look and looked @ my sides, I thought he was waving at someone else. Finally, I recognised him and I had to ask him to come and sit beside me coz by that time he was quite paiseh liao... haha!!!

Dear brought me to West Coast Hawker, the western food there is yummy, cheap, the portion is big!!! He knew the stall-holders so well, that after our lunch we sat there chatting with the auntie, keke... we talked about the hottest topic now, "Eggs".

Perhaps it is the 7th mth of the lunar, seems like many of my relatives are "leaving"...
My mum had been bz attending the 2 funerals... and I am going to attend 1 of them tml...

9/09/2004 07:53:00 pm
Monday, September 06, 2004


February 23, 1985

You are Purple Wolf, who is simple, cheerful and friendly type.

You don't change your attitude according to other person, and can state your own points of view straightly.
You don't flirt or be too dependent, you are a serious person.
You tend to lack sensitivity, and although you say things straightforwardly, you don't mean any harm.
But others may misunderstand you and think you as cold hearted person.
You don't try to exaggerate your attitude and expressions.
You will not be influenced by your surroundings, and therefore are confident about your own thinking.
This may make you seem as stubborn.
Your hold your own philosophy about your life, and will steadily move on one step at a time towards your objective.
You are very responsible and precise person.
In personal relationships, you tend to be kind and soft-hearted; you can get on with people without thinking about personal interests.
You possess strict economical view and are reliable person.
When you get to your middle ages, you may experience instability for a long time.
You are cool about your love life too.
You don't like bargaining, and will approach with sincere heart.
You grow love slowly, but sometimes you can get in a sudden burst of passion.
After marriage, you will take care of your family well, and be a good wife.

try the link! above is about my personality, and i think most of them are quite true... i guess u all will certainly agree to the stubborn part, wahaha!!!
actually, Sook Kuan and I planned to run the school track today, but the crowd scares us off...
there's volleyball friendly match, soccer training and rugby training today! so paiseh... so we juz went to netball court to shoot... and now... my face is much darker... only exposed to the sun for half an hour lor... sianz... guess i need sunblock next time...

9/06/2004 08:13:00 pm
Sunday, September 05, 2004

Met Norasilah, one of my best friends from Pri sch, yesterday.
So glad to see her even thou we are living in the opp blocks... keke...
Glad tt her mum had ditch the 20 odd years old guy and is getting re-married to a guy of her age :p
should be attending her wedding opp my block since it's so near and her mum is such a nice lady, wahaha!!!
Throughout the bus journey, we updated each other about our pri sch frenz... her poor bf sat alone and got no one to tok to... haha!!! but it's ok lah, they are together for about 5 years liao and they have the whole life to tok to each other, keke....

nothing happening in my life coz i dun go out, haha!!!
as i have said... i am getting old... i like stucking in the house for the whole day... haha!!! no mood to dress out, anyway i didn't really dress out when i go out thou'... wahaha!!!
tests come one after another, non-stop... so sickening... if wanna give so many tests, why can't they stop all projects???? wasting my time only... haha... i started to crap liao... anyway... huimin's birthday is coming soon... any ideas for her bday????

9/05/2004 01:15:00 pm
Thursday, September 02, 2004

tHanks julia... i had finished reading the storybook...
strictly speaking, the book is not well written. poor usage of language and the chinese character(words) used are different when they are actually the same word...
but i like this book... coz it does not try to use good language and that makes it so "taiwanese"... so real life... so close to heart.
suppose to start on my revision for tml's taxation test... hwr, a call from lora allowed me to find an excuse for studying it tml morning... keke...
Lora... i dun wanna change my blog template is bcoz... i like this template and it has its meaning :p
i like ur blogskin and i like mine to be simple and meaningful ("p)

i was quite worried about my consumer banking project after my tutor talked to my class today.
Tutor was worrying for us as we are the weakest class!!!
she said that none of our projects impress her and the analysis are very poor...
shi man and i, the only 2 A&F students in the business class, are among the pitiful few ppl in the class that got A for mid sem test...
some statistics of students taking consumer banking were given:
2 A&F classes = more than 70% As and Bs for mid sem
2 Business classes = less than 30% As and Bs for mid sem, and out of this less than 30% were mostly from the other class of the business classes, wahaha!!! My tutor was so "gaKe sim"...
Actually when i 1st knew that i was going to join the biz class, i noe my project will end up a mess and it did... i guess my results will be ruined this time... haha!!! it goes to show that i am not prejudice against the biz course ppl, but the results show it all...

take care girls

9/02/2004 09:40:00 pm