SaTurdAY wAS a bZ daY...
@ 1pM, i wENt to SilAH's hOusE aNd aTTEnDed thE "aftER-ROM bufFET". thEre wAS not mANy ppL, exCEpt fOR a fEW reLativeS aND fRieNds. wATcH the vIdEO tHEy haD taKEn @ the ROM, aN eDUcaTioNAL prOgRAmmE, keke... cOz i gOT to sEE hoW mUSLiM's ROM gOes :p
tHE buFFet wAS noT mY cUP of tEA, aLL disHes wERe eitHer Curry or cHilly, wahaha!!!
@ aBouT 2.15pM i lefT, aNywAY mY houSE wAS juZ oppOsIte theIRs, hehe...
@ abouT 3.45Pm, i lEft mY houSE foR cLEmeNti, aNd i endED up @ cLEmeNti eaRliER thAN i eXpeCTed, 4.30pM...
aLRigHT, so i wENt aRounD cLEMenTI cENTraL fOR a wALk, tHERe wAS pASar maLanG. thANks gOODneSS, i haD beeN theRe a few timEs reCEntLY aND wAS not tHaT unfAMiliaR wIth thE aREa ;P
reTUrNed to thE mRT @ 5pM aND wAITED fOR aLmosT haLF an houR b4 LEi reACHEd, mIn wAS laTE bY too muCH so thE 2 oF uS wENT on ouR oWN 1st bY caB (leI paID fOR thE tAxi faRE sO tO @@ hER dEAR son, yOnGhaO) keke... a reaLLY gOOD motHEr wOR... wahaha!!!! j/k
wHEn we reACHed hosPiTal wARD 51, Hao-mA, cHristinA(hAO-gf) aND jENNifER(cHrisTinA's youngER sis) wEre aLreADY thERE. wE jUZ chit chaTTed. bUT cHrisTinA wAS noT verY haPPy thaT thERe wEre onLY gIRls visitIng hAO, cOz haO toLD hER somE gUys (ziWEI theY aLL) wOuLd be cOminG witH us foR the visiT, oOPs...
didn't noE thaT cHrisTInA couLd noT undERstaND MAndaRIn so i wAS sPEaKing mANdARin thRu' ouT aND shE couLd noT undERstaND a wORd, keke... sHE's thE kOREAN gIRl, i noE but i tOt shE leaRNt chineSE, paIsEH...
jEnnifER wAS reaLLy cuTE, sHE eveN tok to ZiweI aND Lei on MSN usIng haO's niCK, haha!!!
mIn caME quiTE laTE aND afTEr abouT 15-30 minUteS laTEr, we neEDEd to leAVE.
sUppoSed to meET thE otHER gIRLs 7pM @ sOmERsET MRt, buT by the tIME we reAChed thERE wAS abouT 7.20Pm, xIAn wAS waItinG fOR uS @ thE mRT aND we waITED fOR gELine whO caME the eARLiEST aND hAD wENT fOR a wALk 1st @ HeereN. cHRIs, juLIa aND huiXIan cOuldn'T cOme.
cHRIs... i wIll gET mY monEY baCK from u, dUn wOrrY *eVIL laUGHs*
lOra joinED ouR dInnER wIth beN. gLad thaT they aRE bacK togEThER. LorA, trEASuRE hiM moRE hoR... duN leT hiM run aWAy!!! keke...
thE dInnER @ riALto wAS gREAt!
niCE fOOd, nIcE aTmosPhERe, niCE sTAff aND a reaLLy niCE lADyboSS wHO gAVe min a comPliMEntaRy caKe aND gaVE us poSTcARDS (whiCH iS aLso thE naMEcaRD of thaT reSTaURant thou') aND heLpeD us tAKe picTUres! yesTERdaY's "fLyinG kiSSes" posE wILL bE "pubLicIzEd bY ouR dEAR lOra's wEB, dIn lOOk gOOd in anY piCs aND thaT's thE usuAL caSE *bleAh*
lORa gaVE min a deniM sKiRT, it lOOkED nicE. hWR, it LooKed kinDA wEIRd wHEn mIN pUT it on. pERhaPS it's reALLY tigHT fIttinG likE mini sKirT, yeT wAS a biT tOO long. miN will bE altERing it so as noT to waSTe lORa's effOrt anD toTs to gET hER a preSEnt ;p
thE sKirT we bOugHT foR min wAS slIghtLY to biG fOR her!!! min, u nEED to put on sAMe weIght liao... it's XS and it sTILL looKEd sO LoosE on u!
aNYWAY, we weNT to exCHangE fOR XXS yeSTErdaY aND it fITted juZ nicE on Min, not a biT tigHT! i wOndER wHEn caN i eVEn fiT intO thE XS, noT meNTioninG thE XXS, wahaha!!!
whEN wE weRE taKinG the trAIn hoMe aFter thE dInnER, Min aND i mET eDMunD (pooN) @ cITy haLL mRT wHiLE we wERE chaNgInG trAIns!!! tHougHT thaT thE 3 of uS couLD chiT cHat on the trAIn, buT a buNch oF indIAns/bANgLadeSh squeEZed intO the MRT aNd separaTEd eDmunD from uS *bleAh*
haIz... thiNK goTTa caTCh up wiTH hiM next tiME... :(
reaLLY gREAT to caTch up wIth u gIRls, hopE to cYA sOOn!!!!