my last blog was on the 7th aug... today is 15th aug, so it's "8 days every week!!!" Btw, it's gEline's bday todaY, so... HappY birthdaY!!!
starting from last sunday...
8th aug - Lei's bday
wOrked till 8plus @ OG Orchard, thEN went dOwn to city haLL but wAS onLy to meEt up with geLine, cOz everyonE wAS lAtE!!!
thE twO oF uS sQuEEzeD thrU' the crOwd oF hundREds aND hunDredS of PPl who aRE waLking in thE oPP directioN towARds thE MRT, whiLe on the wAy to EsPlaNade. eVeryonE wAS gOinG hoMe afTEr wAtchiNG the fIrewOrks. aiyah... miSS the fireworks, din noe it's sO earLy...
thE 2 oF us qUeuEd up @ the BremeX(i'm not sure of the spelling) chocolate baR for moRE thaN haLf an hOur, buT we enDed up @ haagEN dAz (dunno how to spell, but i noe how to eat there, wahaha!!!). cOz chocoLAte bAr is tOO sMAll to "conTain" us, haha!!!
thE iCe-cREaMs wERe gOOD, i liKE thE gReen tEA wiTH thE "gua zi", yum yum... buT thE icE-cREaM wASn't enUff foR somE oF uS whosE stomAChs aRE gRumbLing, haha!!! buT it's sTill a grEaT trEaT!!! anD i'vE neVER eaTen thERE b4 ;p
aFteR tHat, we weNt dOwn to ceNtrO. it wAS a lonG qUeuE, buT wE dIdn't qUeue fOr vERy lonG. cHrisTine almoST fAintED whiLe queuinG, i wAS shoCKed as shE wAS hoLding onto mE fOr suppOrt. anD thE tIckeTs shE wAS hoLding wAS aLL scaTTErED on thE gRound. buT shE wAS ok aftER a whiLE. wAS raTheR wOrriED fOr her.
cEntRO is mY 3rd viSIt thERE, anD i eNjoYed nonE. thkfuLly, lEi's J gOt hiS drIvinG licEnsE anD hE dRovE us to SelegiE coffeeshop fOr dInnER. @ leASt thIs ceLebrAtion fOr Lei din end tOO bAdLY :p
9th Aug - National day!!!
yah... workinG day agaIn... @ OG PP
10th Aug - 13th Aug
ProjEcts day. qUiTE pisSEd oFF wIth somE of mY frIEnDS.
sOmetiMes, i dUnno izzIt theY weRE too lAzY to thiNK oR waT, thEY tuRNed to me fOR aNsWERs @ the sLigHTesT matter...
anD i wAS reALLY piSSed wIth a frIend of mY gRoup mates.
shE cAMe whEN my gRoup wAS doinG the laST paRt of ouR prOjeCT. eVeryonE wAS rathER disTRaCTed anD ouR minDS aRE not wOrking. a FEW moRE sEntenCEs to gO aNd we would be fInisHinG ouR pRoject, juz a few pushes fOr idEAs wouLD dO.
anD thaT gIrl camE anD distract my gRoup further more... it's ok...
tHen shE saId somEthiNG thaT reALLY demorALise mY gRoup, " wow... 1pm plus liao u all haven't eat ah???" i noe everyone was hungrY buT we aRE finiSHinG... hER woRds cAusED ouR projeCt to eNd in a hasTE. i'm sUre ouR pRoject will tUrn out sHit coZ the lasT paRt is the mosT impt part of the prOject. i fELt lIke sLApping her tELLing her thaT, "yoU wANNA sTaND here u sTaNd, dUn tOk sO muCH!" busInEss cOuRse ppl, i nOe mY proJect wiTh thEm wILL be a disasTer... sEEN thEIr aTTitUde sIncE yeAR1.
14th aug
aNotHER wOrkIng day @ somEwHere fREsH! SEIyu ChOa chu kANg. btw, i wEnt thE k boX thERE to cOlleCt mY meMbership caRd i leFT theRE a mtH ago, exaCtly, haha!!!
tOO baD dEar wAS noT worKing therE on thAT daE...
15th aug - AngeLine's birthdaY!!!
wENt to CEntREpoInt to cOlleCt mY paY todAy anD weNt hEEREn to buY geLine's preSent.
wENt to bUkIt gOmbAK to meET deAR, and wE wenT to cLEmenTi to haVE lunCh, "sMALL bOwl noodLE" (xiao wan mian, haha!!!) i can't finish my fOOD... it's not that small afterall....
weNt to cLEmenTi k boX to tAKe a LooK, it's situaTed @ the cLemeNti polYcLiniC, so wEIrd... haha!!!
wenT aLL the wAY baCK to centRAL, citY haLL, to mEEt Lei, juLia, yIPS, tOng da anD wEinonG fOr dinNer @ suntEc.
we wANtEd to dine in @ The Rice Table but it was fully booked. we coulDn't gET thE plaCE coz we've got 6 ppl...
tHen we enDed up @ CrystAL jaDE kiTchEN, anD bcOz thERE wERE 6 of uS, we had to wAit foR a longER tiMe for sEAts...
hEY 6 ppl gg ouT is alreADy vErY fEW ppl liaO ok!!! anD we still coulD noT gEt seaTS... usu we've got around 10 to 15 ppl leh...
thE fOOD thERE wAS not baD, but a few of their staff haD very bAd aTTitudE. i lOOked @ the meNu anD reAD out thE dish's naME, aNd when i lookED up to confIrm she gOt my orDERs corrEctLY, shE wASn't lisTening to me! shE wAS likE lookinG aROund anD aLL. what thE hell! aREn't u suppoSE to be lisTening to my ordERs????
J camE to piCK lei up, anD thE reST of us wENT hoMe bY the MRT.
YipS anD nonG wENt diff way frOm us.
wAS so gLAD to @@ yonG haO on thE trAin!!! WE werE aLL @ the laST caBin, haha!!! what a coincidenT!
hE saId hiS bAck wAS giving hiM aLot of proBlem anD he coulDn't even sleEP wEll... wAS reALLY wOrriED fOr hiM. pERsonALLY, i feeL thAT baCKbOne probLEm iS a sERious prObLEm. hOpe thaT he can maKE up hiS minD what's gOOD fOr him: to operAte or not?
hopE that hiS baCKbonE condition will improve soon :)
Some weird thing is happening, Police visited my house twice!!! The Police came 2 times when my whole family was not in, wasted trips, wahaha!!! @ first they juz slipped a piece of note into our house, we couldn't contact the office given the contacts, so we tot it was a prank and forgot about it. Then this time they came prepared, they slipped in a letter with the Police letter head, so bo bian... it was written that my brother need to go for an interview (to take his statements). My brother called the Police department and asked for details... they suspected him to be a terrorist!!!!
haha!!! so he went for the interview. and they told him that someone made a report against him saying that his car was parked near the Guanyin temple on a certain day, and suspected that he wanted to plant a bombed @ the Indian Temple! haha!! what a joke! he was on duty on that day lor... and he had not been to Guanyin temple recently leh... think someone wanna play a prank on my brother... Poor him, juz got his car and i think someone is getting green. his car is not that expensive, dun get jealous... haha!!!