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Monday, July 26, 2004

We gIRLs aNd onE gUy(NichoLas) hAD ouR dinnER @ SUntec MarchE lASt niGHt. It wAS a dIsaPPoIntmEnt tHat GeLine anD huiXIan did Not tuRN up...
gELine's reAsoN is UnderStandAble, bUT I dUnnO WHy HuiXIan dEcided nOT to TUrn ouT @ the LasT minUtE... HRm! GoNnA asK hER aBouT iT wHen i gOT to tOk to Her.
aLL oF thEM wOre wHite tOPs eXcEPt fOR min who weAR ligHt piNK anD I wAS weArinG daRK PiNK, haha.. aNd NicHoLas weAR aLL bLAcK fRom tOP tO bOttOm, reALLY stOOd ouT aMong us.
tHE diNNer wAS maRvelloUs aNd i wAS an aLL-rOundER @ thE taBLe, I tRied eVeryOne's dIsh eXcePt fOr Lei's CalemARi(dunno iF i sPelT corrEctLY or nOT) cOz i dUn liKE to eAt sOtOng, keke... tHAnkS niCHoLAs fOR orDerinG CraYfiSH, It hAS beEN a REaLLY lOng TIme sInce I haD LasT tASTEd it. YumMY!!! 
sO lOng neVEr tAKe piCturEs wiTh thEm lIao, lucKilY lOra brOughT her digicaM. ChRIs as uSUaL iS thE onE wHO loVEs to "jiaNg3 jing4 tOu2" cOz sHe finaLLy cAn sHOw hER beAutiful wIde sMilE aGaIn aftER 3yrS oF "cLosE-MouTH" pERioD, haha!!! GooD fOR hER :p
aNd lOra wAS thEre leArninG hoW to sMile the "shoW-tEEth" sMilE, keke... sHe wAS reALly mAKinG uS lAughed reAL hArd cOz shE dUnnO hoW to smiLe.
aS uSuaL, WE aRe tHe bAD ppL cOmmeNtinG aboUt lOrA's hEad... I gUess thEre's notHinG sHe can dO aBouT thE shaPe oF hER hEAD, keke... bUt wE loVE heR haIR.
dIdn't reALLy meAN to tEasE heR buT perHaps wE aRE usEd to iT eveR sIncE sEcondary scHool, wHat to do...
reALLy tHank LoRA fOr bEiNG sO totFUl to bRIng hER dIgicaM aND shE evEN reQueSted hER mUM to cELebrAte her biRthDAy on saTurDay inSteAD oF SUnDAy, whiCh iS sUpposEdLy thE ActuAL date of her mUM's bday!!! nO mAtteR whAT wE sAiD aboUt hER, sHE's sTill ouR gREaT frIend WhO we caN't dO withOut. wE aRE a gRouP, wahaha!!!  
LoRA bOuGHt a bLue sKiRT fOR jUlia anD i tot eveRyOne aGReed thE sKirT wAS sO Lora, haha!!! ChrIS anD niChoLAs bOuGHt hER a gReeN(or izzit blue??) tOp frOm Body niTs aNd iT maTchEs wIth thaT bluE sKirt, aNd LasTLy thE cOmeStiCS fROm thE othERs oF us. tO JuLia, I hOpE she wIll liKE the cOsMetics, aLthou' u MigHT noT usE it in tHe neAr fUtuRE, I'm sUre u wIll sTart usIng it sOmEdaY ;p hOpe thAt sOmedaY wIll comE soon anD i CAn sEe u wEarIng tHe maKe-up that we hAD bougHT fOR yOU!!! eNjOy the fREe gIfts thaT comE alOng wIth thE cOSmeTics tOO!!! dUN shaRe witH ChrIs, haha!!!! juSt kiDDIng!!

7/26/2004 09:29:00 am
Sunday, July 25, 2004

tOt I'm gOnna sTay hoMe fOr the wHoLe dAY yEsTerdaY... thEn a cAll frOm JuLIa, I WENt dOwn tO Marine PaRADe K BOx.
It wAS fUn aNd gREaT to sEE thoSE bBall bOys agAin, LonG time nV gO ouT wIth thEM liAO...
sIngIng KTv wIth thEM iS aLWaYS fUn :p a GReaT bUnCH oF ppL to sLACK anD gO crAzY wIth.
sAng aLot of nEW sonGs whiCh i Was noT reALLy fAMilIAr wIth, But jUz sANg fOR fUN lOr... JuLia's sIngIng is gEttinG bEttER *aPPlaUse* buT tOO bAD hER bEst sIngIng paRtnER, cHrisTiNE, wAS not tHerE.
sPenT $27 fOr KTV buT it wAS wOrtH it cOZ iT's mY fIrsT timE to gEt to hEAr Kaiyi sing and even more surprisingly Yips!!! Yips usually was the onE sLeepinG in thE Ktv rOOm wHen wE aRE sIngIng, keke...
AbOuT 1am pLus, ouR ppl sTarted tO coLLapsE onE bY onE, hahA!!!
wE wEnt hOme @ abouT 4.30am and by tHe tIme I reAChed hoMe, It was 5aM. I tot iT wAS 4Am cOZ i haDn't gET usE to reAdinG mY wAtch whicH hAD gOne fOR rePair fOr the pasT feW monTHs. i wAS qUitE sHoCKed i caN taHAn untIl 5am cOZ i Hadn't sTayed uP tIll sO latE for QuiTE a lOng timE liao...
wIll be mEEtIng up wIth jULia anD gIrls laTer @ niTE
hOpe thaT it'll bE reALLy gReaT meeT up :p

7/25/2004 01:30:00 pm
Saturday, July 24, 2004

ThankFullY, ouR gIRls outinG iS Set on SundAy, cOZ toDay I'm hAvinG reALLY a baD fLu aNd tHe rAIn reALLy spoiLt mY moOD... I thiNk i aLmosT finiSHed thE wHOlE boX of tIssUes!!!
noThinG eXciTiNG/unusuaL haPPeneD tOday... bUT I was FeelIng a biT dOwn... sIanZ...
nVm minD... tMl is COminG anD I'm gOinG to @@ mY dEar FreNz, keke... iT's time tO upDatE one aNothER on Our LiVes anD maYbe somE gOssipS, wahaha!!!
My mUm dUg ouT aLL thE LDs toDAy anD dIscArdED thE sPoilT ones, fOr some oF u who HavE fOrgOttEN what aRE LDs, thEY aRE Laser Discs, haha...
hAVe bEeN trYing to sTart on mY Taxation coZ it'll be thE 1st sUbjEct to bE teSTed... WisH me LuCK PPl! ;)

7/24/2004 07:05:00 pm
Friday, July 23, 2004

wOw... seemed lIke I hadn't sHopped fOr quiTE sOme timE, keke...
Went shoppiNg wIth AgnEs @ Tampines, gOt mYsElf a Tote bag from comoditee (my part time sales brand, wahaha... must support own brand maa!) @ Metro, dEn gOt mYseLf Jolin Tsai's "qing4 gong1 ban3" albuM @ MusiC JuncTion (I'm LiSTening tO it now, It's fAntaStIc!!! CoOL...) anD fInaLLy 2 tOps fROm Dano. Hmm... let me cAlcuLate ah... sPenT aboUt eighty buCKs...
ShouLd be Ok lAH hor??? sOmetImes mUz bE gooD to mYseLF anD trEAt mYsELf wELL maa, haha!!! cOz nobOdY "ten2" me, so I "ten2" myseLf lOr, hehe ;p
tHeN AccOmPaniED aGNes to This Fashion nEAr Spotlight, sHe gOt hERsELf a tOp thERe. I triED to cOAx hER into buyIng a Denim sKIrT buT fAIled. sHe nevEr weaR shoRT skIrt so I tOt iT's tIme fOr hER chANge hER dREssIng abIt sincE wE seLdom cOme ouT tOgEThER, haha!!! eXcePt fOr fOrmAL PresEntAtion I sAW hER wOre a knEE-LeNgtH skIrt, I OnLY sEE hER wEARinG jEaNs tHru' out thE paST 2yEars oF poLy!!! sO... maYbE wAnna sEE hER wEaR skIrt oSo b4 WE gRaDUaTE, wAhaHa!!!
It was a LonG daY in sChoOl toDAy. wEnt thERe @ 9am to pRinT the StuPiD "FRSes" den Had PrOjEct mEEtinG foR AA @ 11am Den Go fOR lEssoNs fROm 1pm to 5pm. Wat a LoNg LOng dAY... tHen aFter thE sHoppIng, FELt lethargic aNd wAS yAwNinG tHru' ouT mY buS rIde tIll i FInaLLy gOt hOme.
nO One wAS @ hoMe... bUt tHEy caMe baCK an hOur after mE, sO iT wAS sTill noT so bAD, keke...
gOtta sTart mY reVisIon sOOn I think... iT's reALLY so fAst lOR, I fELT as iF I haD juZ sTarTEd sChooL anD here cAMe mY mid-sEM tEst timetabLE.
Btw, reCEntLy mY haIr cOloUr wAS commENted by a fEW tutoRs buT onLy onE tUtOR asKed mE to dYe it blaCK/dARkER cOLoUrs... I AM cOnsIdERinG wHethER i sHouLd sPraY it bLAck fOr thE exAM dAYz comIng... sEE ba... moST pROb no, COz I dUnnO hoW to uSE the bLaCk haIr sPraY and I migHT gET mysELf into a meSS!!! haha!!! dEN u wIll sEe bLAck liQuiD dRiPPinG fROm my hAIr whEN goIng to sChool tO taKe mY exAMs, yUckZ huh?
anYwAy, I aM rEALLy exCItED aBouT ouR sUndAY outIng aLthou' iT's jUz a DinnER. cOz... WE'll ALL bE theRE rite??? anyOne not cOminG??? plS comE!!! iT hAd beEN a dArn LonG timE eVer sinCE aLL niNE oF uS tuRNed ouT fOR a mEEt-UP... miSS u gIrlS aLot... keke... @@ya sOOn, *winkZ*

7/23/2004 11:30:00 pm

Primary School life in Eunos Primary was so carefree to *Wen*... *Wen* had alot good friends there, the closest to her were Yan Bing, Meng Gek, Lee Peng and Siling and also a few close ones like Qin Fen, Sok Hung, Ying Yan, Kah Hui... and also the group of guys who played soccer with her.
*Wen* was then posted to Temasek Secondary School @ upper Changi Road. *Wen* met a grp of girls from her class and from her CCA netball, namely Lora, Angeline, Huimin, xinlei, yixian, julia, christine and huixian. And the best part of the story began...
Didn't noe is it fate that brought this crazy girls together...
They played their best on the netball court, hangout after school, talk about anything and everything, and studied hard. Getting complaints from the teachers and being bad-mouthed by other girls in school, these girls stayed strong togetHer and was indifference about all rumours. Those ppl were just jealous of the girls, keke...
They understood one another very well even though there were a few big arguments among them. But, that's part and parcel of growing up.
Now the group of girls have grown up, looking @ things from a different view. They are taking different routes in their lives, and their social circle begins to widen, they have less time together.
However, their friendship never ends... coz they are goNNa bE friends for life. It is juz a progression to another stage, these girls will just have to go through this.
*Wen* is now studying @ TP, pursuing a Diploma in Accountings and Finance, Year 3, going to graduate next year! *Wen* has a family of 5 including her, and mama, papa, jiejie, korkor. She is the youngest and the shortest, haiz... *Wen* always feel that she has the best family in the world, wahaha!!!
Lastly, *Wen* always wanna tell ppl, "Life is beautiful!"

7/23/2004 06:50:00 am