We gIRLs aNd onE gUy(NichoLas) hAD ouR dinnER @ SUntec MarchE lASt niGHt. It wAS a dIsaPPoIntmEnt tHat GeLine anD huiXIan did Not tuRN up...
gELine's reAsoN is UnderStandAble, bUT I dUnnO WHy HuiXIan dEcided nOT to TUrn ouT @ the LasT minUtE... HRm! GoNnA asK hER aBouT iT wHen i gOT to tOk to Her.
aLL oF thEM wOre wHite tOPs eXcEPt fOR min who weAR ligHt piNK anD I wAS weArinG daRK PiNK, haha.. aNd NicHoLas weAR aLL bLAcK fRom tOP tO bOttOm, reALLY stOOd ouT aMong us.
tHE diNNer wAS maRvelloUs aNd i wAS an aLL-rOundER @ thE taBLe, I tRied eVeryOne's dIsh eXcePt fOr Lei's CalemARi(dunno iF i sPelT corrEctLY or nOT) cOz i dUn liKE to eAt sOtOng, keke... tHAnkS niCHoLAs fOR orDerinG CraYfiSH, It hAS beEN a REaLLY lOng TIme sInce I haD LasT tASTEd it. YumMY!!!
sO lOng neVEr tAKe piCturEs wiTh thEm lIao, lucKilY lOra brOughT her digicaM. ChRIs as uSUaL iS thE onE wHO loVEs to "jiaNg3 jing4 tOu2" cOz sHe finaLLy cAn sHOw hER beAutiful wIde sMilE aGaIn aftER 3yrS oF "cLosE-MouTH" pERioD, haha!!! GooD fOR hER :p
aNd lOra wAS thEre leArninG hoW to sMile the "shoW-tEEth" sMilE, keke... sHe wAS reALly mAKinG uS lAughed reAL hArd cOz shE dUnnO hoW to smiLe.
aS uSuaL, WE aRe tHe bAD ppL cOmmeNtinG aboUt lOrA's hEad... I gUess thEre's notHinG sHe can dO aBouT thE shaPe oF hER hEAD, keke... bUt wE loVE heR haIR.
dIdn't reALLy meAN to tEasE heR buT perHaps wE aRE usEd to iT eveR sIncE sEcondary scHool, wHat to do...
reALLy tHank LoRA fOr bEiNG sO totFUl to bRIng hER dIgicaM aND shE evEN reQueSted hER mUM to cELebrAte her biRthDAy on saTurDay inSteAD oF SUnDAy, whiCh iS sUpposEdLy thE ActuAL date of her mUM's bday!!! nO mAtteR whAT wE sAiD aboUt hER, sHE's sTill ouR gREaT frIend WhO we caN't dO withOut. wE aRE a gRouP, wahaha!!!
LoRA bOuGHt a bLue sKiRT fOR jUlia anD i tot eveRyOne aGReed thE sKirT wAS sO Lora, haha!!! ChrIS anD niChoLAs bOuGHt hER a gReeN(or izzit blue??) tOp frOm Body niTs aNd iT maTchEs wIth thaT bluE sKirt, aNd LasTLy thE cOmeStiCS fROm thE othERs oF us. tO JuLia, I hOpE she wIll liKE the cOsMetics, aLthou' u MigHT noT usE it in tHe neAr fUtuRE, I'm sUre u wIll sTart usIng it sOmEdaY ;p hOpe thAt sOmedaY wIll comE soon anD i CAn sEe u wEarIng tHe maKe-up that we hAD bougHT fOR yOU!!! eNjOy the fREe gIfts thaT comE alOng wIth thE cOSmeTics tOO!!! dUN shaRe witH ChrIs, haha!!!! juSt kiDDIng!!